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    Paintball Essay Summary (594 words)

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    Paintball! A fast-paced, adrenaline pumping, game…

    paintball is a world renowned sport and is growing popularity faster than several other top sports. Paintball is non-contact, making it very safe when played right. According to the Sports Data Inc. surveys, paintball has the lowest injury rate of ANY sport, at only .

    31 injuries per 1000 participants. Paintball is viewed several different ways by people that have not experienced it for themselves. A lot of people think paintball is only for “gun crazy” maniacs. Well that is an incorrect statement, mainly because paintball “guns” are not guns at all.

    The definition of “gun” is, “Any weapon that discharges shot, shells, or other bullet by the explosion of gun powder or some other explosive from a strait tube.” Paintball markers operate in a VERY different way. Paintballs are propelled out of the barrel by air, not any type of explosive, and paintball markers are NOT weapons. No one has ever got killed by a paintball marker from getting shot.

    Even without a mask on. Although eye injuries have been reported, this is due to the fact that an unsafe game was played. Most likely someone decided that they were superman and took off their goggles in the middle of a game and no ref was there to stop him. All goggles worn during paintball should and are approved by the government and you are not supposed to shoot above a speed of 300 feet per second.

    Yes, paintball leaves welts, but most people can stand them. The pain of a paintball welt is surely not any worse than getting tackled by a 200 lbs football player. If safety is what people are worrying about, why do we have football, wrestling, or basketball? They are all in the top ten for highest injury rates. Paintball is also growing in popularity, games for paintball are getting released and selling way better than the majority of other games.

    The most popular of any paintball game is called “Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball” and is exactly the type of paintball that we would like to play at the school, speedball. Speedball is a game of paintball played on a paintball field that is exactly symmetrical to through the middle, a speedball field is usually about 100 feet long and 40 feet wide and the bunkers are usually made of a durable and flexible plastic that holds air, most commonly called “air bunkers”. The rules for paintball should be heavily enforced and heavy consequences should result if the rules are not followed. Another question several people ask is, “We’ll, not everyone has enough money to paintball” and my answer is, “You’re right, unless you stop watching TV and do something good for someone else, then you aren’t going to be able to play.

    ” The paintball program I think should be ran like this; Money will be collected from members for field trips and such. Money will be requested IF NEEDED each year from the student government. The group of participants can also organize fundraising activities. Paintball is not a play everyday sport either.

    It would probably be once a week or once every other week. The average income for a FREQUENT paintball player is $48,200. So I am sure this would be achievable by us if we worked hard enough at it. All in all, paintball is a perfect school sport with its, fun, safe and popular attributes.

    It would be a great contribution to the school and would most likely result in higher grades, due to the fact that people that participate in a sport, do better in school.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Paintball Essay Summary (594 words). (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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