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    Ozzy Osbourne Essay (709 words)

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    Ozzy Osbourne	Ozzy Osbourne’s music is liked by so many people because of how his lyrics deal with real life experiences. Ozzy writes a lot about what feels or what he has done. Something that has made Ozzy so popular was the fact that he doesn’t care what people think.

    He always has done what ever he wants. These two characteristics have made Ozzy Osbourne a very popular musician in the U. S and in Europe. Like when Ozzy went to meet the big time record executives at CBS record company, his wife Sharon wanted him to make a big impression so she suggested that he release three doves when he walked into the room.

    Well what ended up happening is Ozzy came into the office, sat on a women’s lap at the executive table, released two doves into the air and then bite the head off the third one. Another thing helping the situation out was the fact that Ozzy had a little too much to drink that evening as usual. Another thing that Ozzy has done because of the fact that it just made him mad is that one day Ozzy’s wife Sharon came home one day and found Ozzy on the floor underneath the piano with a shotgun in one hand and a bloody knife in the other with seventeen dead cats all around him. What happened is Ozzy had drank and smoked and done all kinds of drugs and he didn’t like the cats to begin with so he shot and stabbed every one of them.

    He just didn’t care if they died or not. If that’s not enough for you to realize that Ozzy doesn’t care about what people think then listen to this. One day Ozzy was in a very expensive motel and once again was drinking heavily, and decided to take a trip down to the bottom floor on the elevator. Well on the way down he must have had to go to the bathroom because he ended up taking a crap in the corner of the elevator. When it got to the bottom floor and the door opened there was a bunch of people at the doors and they saw him and they were all standing there with there mouths wide open.

    	Ozzy Osbourne was born in the small town of Birmingham England in 1948. His Father (Jack Osbourne) was a steelworker and Mother (Lillian Osbourne) worked in a plant building electronic circuits. Ozzy was the fourth of six children (2 brothers, Tony and Paul) and three sisters (Jean, Iris and Gillian). At the age of fifteen Ozzy left school and took a job as a plumbers assistant to try and help out his family money wise. He also took many other different jobs like a toolmaker’s apprentice.

    He ended up with a job in a slaughterhouse for two years and eventually this job also ended. Ozzy found out later that he did not like working for other people so he decided to change his efforts over to crime. He eventually got caught and went to prison for a while were he gave himself the famous O-Z-Z-Y tattoo on his left knuckles and a happy face on his left knee. Eventually Ozzy got out of the criminal field and started several small bands witch failed.

    Like the bands Approach, Music Machine, Rare Breed, Mythology. But he had no luck with any of these bands and ended up ditching them all. Until one day he put an add in the paper as follows ;quot;Ozzy Zig looking for band, owns own amp. ;quot; Then he got a call from Tony Iommi and hooks up with Billy Ward, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, Jimmy Phillips and Clark, witch created the band ;quot;Polka Tulk. ;quot; The band name came from talcum powder that Ozzy found in the bathroom. This was a slow pace type of music and the band decided that people were not into that sort of thing anymore.

    So Jimmy Phillips and Clark quit the band. So then the band changed there name to Earth. One day an old horror movie was playing in a local theater and the name was ;quot;Black Sabbath. ;quot; Geezer saw this and told the band.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ozzy Osbourne Essay (709 words). (2019, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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