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    Naturalistic Observation: Kindergarten Essay

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    For my essay, I chose a kindergarten to observe a child. There I watched 5-year-old Tony. My observation lasted from 11.00 am to 14.00. The structure of the building is pretty spacious and cozy. There is a childish laugh all over the building, full of toys, balls. The structure of the kindergarten is pretty. There is a playground, a sandbox and around the structure, there are many flowers.

    The Beginning of Observation

    Three girls play with dolls, two boys share the car, and meanwhile Tony walks in bewilderment as if he is looking for something. He picks up the dice with his left hand, twists and throws it out. He walks to the window, where there were flowers in a pot. He reaches them and then feels the petal and very sharply tears it off, runs to the teacher and throws it under his feet. Tony ran to the other end of the room, and the teacher tells him that he cannot tear the plants. He frowns and goes to the girls who played with dolls. The girls start asking him to leave and not disturb them. In response, he pulls the blonde girl for a braid with his left hand. She cries, and the teacher makes Tony’s comment. However, he grinned and walked around the room, kicking the balls that lay on the floor.

    Tony picks up the toy car in his left hand and begins to examine it with interest. For 10 minutes he rolls the car across the floor but without much enthusiasm. He draws attention to the boys who play the ball. Tony reaches them and joins the game. After a few minutes of the game, when the ball fell into his hands, he grabs the ball and begins to run with it. Another boy begins to run after him to picks up the ball. Tony runs four circles around the room laughing, followed by the other boy. Tony tripped on a toy car and fell, the boys took the ball. Tony frowned and folded his arms; he offended watched his peers play balls. The teacher began to prepare children for a walk in the yard. Tony happily jumps from one step to another.

    The Naturalistic Observation Culmination

    The children go out to the structure together with the teacher, Tony goes to skip and shows the other boy to the structure, and they start to run there. Tony reaches the slide and rolls down it, he rises again and moves down the slide in turn. Tony laughs along with the other guys near the slide.

    Suddenly, Tony turns his attention to the janitor who waters the flowers. He reaches not so close and stands to watch him. The teacher calls Tony to return to the slide. He is frustrated runs to the rest of the children. Tony invites the boys to play with balls. They play for about 10 minutes, but Tony starts to get bored. He looks at the flower bed again and looked at the bottle with the water. Tony goes and sits on the bench, pensively inspecting the area. He draws attention to the fact that the janitor left and left the bottle. He runs to the bottle and looks into it. Tony put him in the water; he tried to raise the bottle.

    He failed because the bottle was very heavy. Tony calls the two boys when they come closer, he began to draw the water and pour them over. The second boy also took the water in his hands and threw it on Tony. Tony pushes a bottle of water with his left hand. All flows out, and he begins to clap his hands in the water. The teacher runs to the boys and leads them away from the flower bed. She makes a remark to all three and says that they should not play in the water. The rest of the boys ran to play with the girls in the sandbox, and Tony frowned and watched his peers.

    The teacher approached Tony and asked why he did not play with the other children. Tony said he was bored. The teacher decided to arrange a game for all the children to take part in. Tony happily played for about 20 minutes, but then began to look tired, unlike the departed children. The teacher took Tony by his left hand and offered to go look at the birds. He immediately perked up, watched the birds. The child showed with his left hand on the birds. He views the trees with interest and counts the birds. The child returned to the slide to the other children.


    Tony is the most active among children, and he has a lot of energy. It is difficult for him to focus on the same activity and he quickly becomes bored. An example of this is how he started playing ball and then running with him from other children or playing in the water. It can be said that he feels comfortable in kindergarten, but he needs some steps to change the activity so that he doesn’t begin to mischief.

    An example of this is how he tore off a petal, picked the ball, pulled the girl by the braid and played in the water. When he gets bored, he is looking for adventure like in the case with the water. If somebody pays attention, it is possible to distract him, and he calms down. Tony is relatively obedient, although not very willing to respond to the comments of the teacher. He is a very curious child and knows the world through motility. His hands are always in action. He uses his left hand more, which speaks of his creative potential. He eagerly communicates with other children, and they reciprocate. He feels comfortable in society and has no problems with communication.

    It can be concluded that his disobedience is drawing attention to himself. Perhaps the reason for this may be a brother or sister in the family or a lack of parental attention. Although this behavior may indicate excessive attention of parents to him, therefore, through disobedience, he wants a similar attitude from others in kindergarten. It seems to me that Tony needs to be carried away by teamwork and active games.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Naturalistic Observation: Kindergarten Essay. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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