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    overpopulation and the environment Essay

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    OVERPOPULATION & THE ENVIRONMENTI believe that the number of humans that live on this planet is the problem. We should develop new processes for stabilizing the current population. Overpopulation is becoming one of the most preeminent problems facing human civilization. This complicated, pervasive issue is a problem of the utmost importance for people of all races, religions, and nationalities. With our endless need of new information, we should be able to develop unique process to end these problems. Our planet now provides for approximately 5.

    8 billion people, with projections of around 10 billion by the year 2050. Two billion of these are extremely poor, the poorest of which live in absolute poverty and misery. The affects of overpopulation on human society are numerous. Suffering from a lack of resources, people are often driven to war when they become too populated for their available resources.

    Increasing amounts of food, energy, water, and shelter are required to fulfill the needs of todays society. The amount of land required for food production will grow increasingly larger, while the amount of available land will grow increasingly smaller. The resources required to maintain this rapid development is putting a strain on ourcurrent supplies of energy. Much of our energy is derived from the burning of fossil fuels releasing millions of tons of toxins into the atmosphere.

    All of the toxins released into the atmosphere cause harm to the environment as well as those who live around these locations. Currently there are groups with the sole purpose of saving the environment. This mission to save the world is one that eventually all of us should get on board with. Because we as a society should be concerned about our future as well as the future for our children. After all, were only renting this planet from our children and we should look out for their best interests. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    overpopulation and the environment Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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