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    Organizational Behavior and Terminology Paper Essay

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    Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts PaperJune 17, 2005One major corporation that is affected by organizational behavior is the west coast based 24 Hour Fitness, Inc.

    The company operates and owns more than 300 fitness centers that offer aerobic, cardiovascular, and weight lifting activities to the company’s more than 2. 7 million members. Some locations offer even more amenities than those listed. The fitness centers are located in 16 states as well as Europe and Asia (www. hoovers. com).

    In regards to organizational behavior, or the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations (www. nwlink. com), 24 Hour Fitness meets its organizational objectives by setting goals for its sales staff. The result is a profit for the company but most of all, a commission for the sales counselors themselves. In respect to human objectives, 24 Hour Fitness strives to meet the needs of all customers by customizing personal diet and workout plans, providing the most up to date fitness machines, staffing certified physical trainers, providing functioning and well-maintained equipment, competitive membership rates and promotions, and a clean and well kept environment for its patrons. Human needs involving the staff are met by employees receiving benefits such as medical and dental insurance, retirement, and other things like discounted personal training sessions and free memberships.

    Managers also believe in an open door policy so that all employees can comfortably discuss concerns and questions that may arise that involve their jobs. Necessary training, seminars, and uniforms are also provided to the employees at low or no cost to them. Twenty Four Hour Fitness also practices a “chain of command” type leadership structure. All upper management is in some way directly involved with the clubs that fall under their supervision. Organizational culture, which is defined as the comprised values, beliefs, and customs of an organization (www.

    wikipedia. org) , consists of those whose mission it is to make 24 Hour Fitness the epitome of physical fitness clubs. The goal of the organization’s staff is to provide each patron with outstanding one-to-one customer service at all times and to make their visit to the club as enjoyable as possible. Diversity is defined as the presence of a wide range of variation in qualities and attributes such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, able-bodiness, and sexual orientation (www. wikipedia.

    org). Since 24 Hour Fitness is an equal opportunity employer (EOE), diversity is present and welcome within the company. There are men and women employed who come from different walks of life and have different experiences to offer the company. No one is discriminated upon that is employed by or serviced by 24 Hour Fitness. From my experience as an employee, the company actively takes interest in and welcomes the thoughts and opinions of its diverse employees. Communication or the process of exchanging information between employees and management is highly recommended (www.

    wikipedia. org). As stated earlier, 24 Hour Fitness Management uses an open-door policy so that employees are comfortable and encouraged to discuss and questions and concerns or even offer suggestions that they may have. Patrons and visitors are always made to feel welcome to discuss any concerns that they may have with the staff.

    Twenty Four Hour Fitness believed in resolving problems immediately and not letting the customer leave until the problem has been resolved. An effort is made to resolve issues at the lowest level of management possible. If a problem is extreme and for some reason cannot be resolved, complaints may be directed to the corporate office if they cannot be resolved by their local club’s management. The way in which an organization performs, or organizational effectiveness and efficiency, is monitored within each 24 Hour Fitness club along with all district and corporate offices.

    Issues such as employee turnover rates, employee training programs, membership and other sales rates, recruiting efforts, and customer and visitor feedback amongst some of the important issues that are monitored by the 24 Hour Fitness Corporation. Organizational learning or the area of knowledge within organizational theory that studies models and theories about the way an organization learns and adapts (www. wikipedia. org), is used within 24 Hour Fitness to create ways of training all employees to perform their jobs to the highest potentials possible.

    Training materials .

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    Organizational Behavior and Terminology Paper Essay. (2019, Mar 06). Retrieved from

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