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    Ohio monologue from the play by Nick Zagone Essay Paper

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    A monologue from the play by Nick ZagoneCAT: Hear that song? I love this song. It’s one of those songs you always hear, but you never know who plays it. I’ll probably never know.

    I don’t want to know now. It would probably ruin the feeling. Whenever I hear this song I always feel there should be credits rolling you know? Like it’s the end of something. The end of a movie.

    It just brings up so much… that guitar. It’s concluding something. It’s talking. The credits are rolling over the lead actor’s dead body facedown in a gutter.

    The camera pans back. The rain is pouring down. And all that guitar can say is “Oh well.” “That’s Life.

    ” “Whatever.” Every time I hear this song from now on I will remember this day and what happened and what I did. And I will remember this moment in time, right now, this exact place, the smell, everything… and the scene will freeze and the credits will roll. I never want to know who plays this song.

    It would ruin everything.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ohio monologue from the play by Nick Zagone Essay Paper. (2018, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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