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    Northern Renaissance Painting/Breugel

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    The Wedding of Arnolfini
Artist: Jan van Eyck

-Hands: partnership in marriage
-Marriage: loyalty shown by dog, hands at the center of painting, shoes add depth; empirical perspective; painting serves as testament of marriage (mirror shows witnesses: painter! us!)
-Religion: mirror shows passions of cross; beads on bed; one lit candle
-Gender: green dress shows fertility w/ red bed; male on right next to window (aka outside world)
-Materiality: clothes of couple in Denmark
    The Wedding of Arnolfini
    Artist: Jan van Eyck

    -Hands: partnership in marriage
    -Marriage: loyalty shown by dog, hands at the center of painting, shoes add depth; empirical perspective; painting serves as testament of marriage (mirror shows witnesses: painter! us!)
    -Religion: mirror shows passions of cross; beads on bed; one lit candle
    -Gender: green dress shows fertility w/ red bed; male on right next to window (aka outside world)
    -Materiality: clothes of couple in Denmark

    The Garden of Earthly Delights
Artist: Hieronymus Bosch

-Religion: Paradise w/ Adam and Eve; Hell on Earth
-Paradise: fruit and animals represent lusciousness; colors are whimsical and childlike; four fantastical structures in back; 
-Fertility: orgy; sex portrayed as innocent and fun; egg; mollusk; Adam & Eve in left panel; NO CHILDREN (prior to childbirth pain and predators everywhere)
-Hell: animals dominate Man; 7 deadly sins; musical instruments are torture devices; hell is on Earth
-Utopia: an ideal world; all things that should be happening in the world; Bosch masks social ideas in allegory; beginning of imagination/creativity
    The Garden of Earthly Delights
    Artist: Hieronymus Bosch

    -Religion: Paradise w/ Adam and Eve; Hell on Earth
    -Paradise: fruit and animals represent lusciousness; colors are whimsical and childlike; four fantastical structures in back;
    -Fertility: orgy; sex portrayed as innocent and fun; egg; mollusk; Adam & Eve in left panel; NO CHILDREN (prior to childbirth pain and predators everywhere)
    -Hell: animals dominate Man; 7 deadly sins; musical instruments are torture devices; hell is on Earth
    -Utopia: an ideal world; all things that should be happening in the world; Bosch masks social ideas in allegory; beginning of imagination/creativity

    Netherlandish Proverbs
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Proverb: list of points, not a story; central proverb:
    Netherlandish Proverbs
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Proverb: list of points, not a story; central proverb: “pulling the wool over his eyes”
    -Illusion: “Praise of Folly” by Erasmus speaks to the world being filled w/ fools (fool is in center)

    Battle between Carnival and Lent
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Religion: Protestant=carnival and Catholicism=lent 
-Carnival vs. Lent: indulgence vs. denying themselves
-Theatrical: people in costumes and playing certain roles
-Urbanism: people congregate in town center
    Battle between Carnival and Lent
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Religion: Protestant=carnival and Catholicism=lent
    -Carnival vs. Lent: indulgence vs. denying themselves
    -Theatrical: people in costumes and playing certain roles
    -Urbanism: people congregate in town center

    The Tower of Babel
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Contemporary life: Antwerp in 1560s is height of publishing industry; selling indulgences for St. Peters funding; dealing w/ corruption/building is crumbling/losing sense of spirituality
-Religion: Tower of Babel marks moment of god destroying tower and dispersing language; building looks classical for St. Peters funding
    The Tower of Babel
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Contemporary life: Antwerp in 1560s is height of publishing industry; selling indulgences for St. Peters funding; dealing w/ corruption/building is crumbling/losing sense of spirituality
    -Religion: Tower of Babel marks moment of god destroying tower and dispersing language; building looks classical for St. Peters funding

    Dulle Griet
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Gender: women in hell; they led the world to wrath and ruin
-Illusion/Contemporary allegory: political leaders in 1560s were leading people to doom
    Dulle Griet
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Gender: women in hell; they led the world to wrath and ruin
    -Illusion/Contemporary allegory: political leaders in 1560s were leading people to doom

    Hunters in the Snow
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Labor: The years is structured around weather and peasantry tasks
-Season: Timeless image engaging humankind
    Hunters in the Snow
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Labor: The years is structured around weather and peasantry tasks
    -Season: Timeless image engaging humankind

    Wheat Harvest (August)
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Otium: joys of working land; perfect place, joys of being in natural world
-Class: division of labor class in front and newly merchant/rich class in back; satire of working class
    Wheat Harvest (August)
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Otium: joys of working land; perfect place, joys of being in natural world
    -Class: division of labor class in front and newly merchant/rich class in back; satire of working class

    Fête Champêtre
Artist: Giorgione or Titian

-Arcadia: perfect place, joys of being in natural world; sensuality/leisurely lounging in Italy
    Fête Champêtre
    Artist: Giorgione or Titian

    -Arcadia: perfect place, joys of being in natural world; sensuality/leisurely lounging in Italy

    Return of the Herd (Autumn)
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    Return of the Herd (Autumn)
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel


    Peasant Kermis
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Population: figures are bigger
-Satire: satire of religious procession
    Peasant Kermis
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Population: figures are bigger
    -Satire: satire of religious procession

    Peasant Wedding Feast
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Fertility: green color of wife
-Marriage: wedding, music, food, drinking
-Indoors as opposed to outdoor
-Satire: humorous wedding of working class
    Peasant Wedding Feast
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Fertility: green color of wife
    -Marriage: wedding, music, food, drinking
    -Indoors as opposed to outdoor
    -Satire: humorous wedding of working class

    Parable of the Blind
Artist: Pieter Bruegel

-Satire: blind leading blind
    Parable of the Blind
    Artist: Pieter Bruegel

    -Satire: blind leading blind

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    Northern Renaissance Painting/Breugel. (2017, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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