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None Provided7 Essay Summary (348 words)

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The Day of the piercing finally came and I was ready.

The whole day during school all I could think about was what it was gonna feel like and look like. I definately could not focus on my school work. 3:30 finally rolled around and it was time to meet my mom at Tribal Ways. My friend Shay asked if she could come with me and I said sure. It only took me like 5 minutes to get to Tribal Ways from school because my school is right around the corner so I was all set.

I met my mom in front of Tribal Ways and then Shay, my mother and I all took the elevator to the second floor where Tribal Ways is located. I met Megan my piercer and she went over everything with me. She was really nice and made me feel comfortable. She said she would be using a 14 gauge 7/8″ barbell on my tongue. She was using a longer barbell because when it swells you don’t want the balls to be “sucked” into your tongue.

She then gave me a cup of listerene and told me to go to the bathroom and swish for two minutes. When I came back she took me into the piercing room. It was VERY clean. She then had me sit in a hot pink hair dressing type chair and then marked my tongue with an all natural purple ink and a tooth pick. Then I checked it out in the mirror and I told her it was fine. I then sat back in the chair and she put the clamps on.

Personally I don’t think the clamps hurt like most people say they do. Then I closed my eyes and she put the needle through. I made a quick wince but it actually didn’t hurt. It was just a quick sharp pain and that was it. Then she put the barbell in. I was pierced! I couldn’t believe it.

Then she had me go back to the bathroom and rinse with listerene and water. My mom paid her and Bibliography:

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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None Provided7 Essay Summary (348 words). (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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