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    The natural and human sciences Essay

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    Similarly to the issue of creationism versus evolution, disagreements between the two differing perspectives are unlikely to aid in the pursuit of knowledge as a whole. The productivity of the disagreement relies upon the basis of each individuals argument, therefore when the basis of the arguments are so different, for example using emotion rather than reason and evidence, the efficiency of the disagreement decreases rapidly. The pursuit of knowledge exists regardless of whether it is strived towards or accidental, and is present in the natural sciences or human sciences.

    It can be obtained through new discoveries or increased improvements on previous theories and may be contested regardless of its status in the scientific community. In the natural and human sciences disagreements may arise from a variety of different avenues, such as emotional responses to theories and laws as well as logical reasoning which dispute the evidence throughout scientific experiments. It is possible that disagreements may create negative results on discoveries and hinder the pursuit of knowledge, this is prominent in the issue of creationism versus evolution.

    Whilst negative effects of disagreements are possible, there may also be positive outcomes, which arise from detrimental events or the exposure of new ideas and perspectives that become apparent due to disagreements. Regardless of the form of disagreement and its outcome, they are present in every day discussions within these two fields of science and each side must work towards the same goal if concessions are to be reached, only then may disagreements aid in the pursuit of knowledge.

    Sources “Atomic Bomb. ” History. History Channel, n. d. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. <http://www. history. co. uk/explore-history/ww2/atomic-bomb. html>. Nicozisin, Fr. George. “Creationism Versus Evolution. ” Orthodox Research Institute. Orthodox Research Institute, n. d. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. <http://www. orthodoxresearchinstitute. org/articles/dogmatics/nicozisin_creationism. htm>. Redd, Nola Taylor. “Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. ” Space. com.

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    The natural and human sciences Essay. (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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