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    My Short Term Life Goals Lead to Achieve Long Term

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    I have learned that my long-term goals are best achieved when I break them into shorter goals. These smaller goals are helpful as they allow me to see the bigger picture. One of my short term goals is to find a position where I am contributing to a solid performing company. I want to be able to add value and contribute to the growth of the company as a whole. As I grow and learn the ropes of my career, I plan to move into a position where I can lead a team. The extracurricular activities I have been involved within high school specifically, Student Council, have made me develop a passion for leading people.

    Sure, it is easy to be a leader for group of teenagers who are easily pushed into becoming a follower. It would be an accomplishment to be someone who adults come to for reporting or even help. To achieve this goal, I plan on taking the lead role on projects and tasks that would hopefully help me to obtain promotions. I want to be the person that my associates come to for thoughts or solutions on challenging questions. Another short term goal I plan to pursue, is being able to come up to a quick pace for whatever role I am given. I want to prove to my those around me and even myself that I can adapt to new situations in a timely manner. I tend to panic when I fall behind, which is something I plan to work on for years to come.

    I often remind myself that there are kids who cannot receive a higher level education, which allows me to be thankful for the opportunity I am given. I am committed to working hard in college and seeking opportunities that will help me reach my goals. I know that if I do not complete my college degree I will fall short of my goals. Colorado State University is dedicated to helping their students succeed.

    There are resources that will be given to me and people who are going to help me stay motivated. That is why I am so confident in choosing Colorado State. I will not be alone of this journey. If i ever lose sight of my goals, I am positive there will be someone there to help me get back on track. Goals are meant to be achievable, that’s why people set them. My dedication to hard work during and even out of college is going to be a key factor in reaching each of my goals.

    Everyone has dreams of impacting the world in some way. My goal is to impact the people that I work with. I hope to be a mentor for the people around me. Someone who is known for putting their problems aside to help others. It would be quite special to be known as the woman who is full of kindness. I plan to continue my love for community service throughout college, and even into my career. If the company I am employed for has a lack of community involvement, I want to be the one who introduces this idea.

    It is my passion to support companies who are making a difference. If i could be an example for others to be involved in the community, I would have achieved something amazing. Although, I am not sure the impact I will have on the world yet, I know who I aspire to be. With this in mind, I am going to push myself everyday to become that person.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Short Term Life Goals Lead to Achieve Long Term. (2022, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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