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    My Life Goals Essay (475 words)

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    My future long-term career goal is to become a part of the governments defense counsel, either by becoming a legal secretary or an attorney. I would need to attend college, pass the bar exam and become board certified in order to become an attorney. In reference to becoming a legal secretary I believe I’ve developed those skills through several years of hard work, and I feel I’ve gained enough experience to pursue this field. I believe I will be successful in becoming an attorney.

    I am determined to finish high school with the academic excellence required to obtain a good professional direction in the law field. I have several years of expierence in Law, Speech, Acting, and Debate. These qualities will help me to pursue questioning, and feel comfortable in the courtroom. It was difficult to find information on my career goal.

    I found several job opportunities, but I could not find information on the academic requirements needed to attend a 4 star law school on the internet. I had to research my information through word of mouth, and the results I received from the “job search” worksheet we did gave me a lot of needed information. My current job skills relate to my future career goals in several ways. My knowledge of computers are very useful in todays society.

    I am experienced in several aspects of the computer. I am literate of several computer programs such as Peachtree Accounting, Microsoft Word and Works,and Power point among several others. I have several years of experience with the internet. I took 4 years of computer classes, and I’ve built my own web-site. Furthermore, I consider myself very computer literate, and in todays career fields literacy is required, and a fast typing speed is encouraged.

    Communication and social skills are very important when dealing with customers. The happiness and satisfaction of the customer is what companies thrive their business on in order to profit, and keep up with supply and demand. Maintaining a professional attitude is very I,mmportant when dealing with clients. Whether the client is happy or night, the needs of the customer are the most important. In High School I took several communications classes. My favorite was Law class.

    We had Mock-Trials, which was role playing for the students in order to get the feel of a real courtroom. I received an A in Law Class. I took Speech, Acting, Children’s Theatre, Drama. I worked for a large insurance company that dealt with insurance claims, and I was surrounded by lawyers. I learned the basics of handling insurance claims, but I’d still like to be on the defense counsel.

    My current job skills relate to my future career goals in several ways. My knowledge of computers are very useful in todays society. I am experienced in several aspects of the computerBibliography:Im graduating in 2 weeks

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Life Goals Essay (475 words). (2019, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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