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    My Favorite Musician Essay (489 words)

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    My Favorite Musician Carrie Underworld is one of my favorite musicians. I chose Carrie because she is a kind hearted person. She has also donated a lot of money to different charities. She is a great singer in my opinion. A lot of her music is sometimes relatable and inspirational to me. She’s an amazing person over all in my honest opinion. She is one of top favorite musicians over all. I find Carrie a very kind hearted person because she has donated $1 million in proceeds from her recent Blown Away Tour to the Red Cross for relief efforts.

    She has also donated $200,000 to one of the biggest anti-hunting organizations in the world – HUSH (The Humane Society of the United States). In the middle of one of her concerts in New Jersey she took the time to thank her fans for attending the show despite the damage New Jersey suffered because of Hurricane Sandy. She gave all proceeds from that night’s performance to be donated to New Jersey communities devastated by the storm. She’s donated a lot throughout her career of being a musician. This is why she is one of my favorite musicians Carrie Underworld was born March 10, 1983.

    She’s a country music singer, songwriter. She first rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005. She has become multi-platinum selling recording artist, a winner of six Grammar Awards, sixteen Billboard Music Awards, seven American Music Awards and ten Academy of Country Music Awards, and several other awards. As a songwriter, she has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. Two-time winner of the Academy of Country Music Entertainer of the Year award and the first woman to win such an award twice in 2009-2010.

    She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009. Blown Away, her fourth album, was ranked the second best-selling release of the year by a female artist. She won a Grammar Award for the album’s song “Blown Away”. With her strong album and single sales, and $100 million in tour revenues. She is the biggest American Idol earner, the highest-ranked American Idol alumni on the Aria’s Top Digital Artists of all-time list and the fourth biggest album seller of the past ten years. She has sold more than 30 million singles and 16 million albums worldwide.

    Music critics named her as the Country Music’s reigning Queen. Carrie is the only solo country artist in the 2000 decade to have a number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 and the first and only country artist to ever debut at number one on the Hot 100. She has had twelve number ones and breaking her own Guinness Book record of ten. Some Hearts was named the No. 1 Country Album of the 2000 Decade by Billboard and she was the top-ranked female artist on Billboard’s Best Country Artists of the 2000 Decade list. Forbes estimates that she is worth over $100 million.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Favorite Musician Essay (489 words). (2017, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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