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    My Family History : My Grandmother Essay

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    When you think about your family history and how far you can follow your family history back to the first time they arrived in the U.S you would be pretty amazed. When I start back to my family history on both of my parents side I can go as far back as my great-great grandparents on both sides. On my mom side her great grandmother was from a Caribbean island she later came to the U.S.

    because of my great-great grandfather wanted to live in Mississippi to work there to earn more money. Later my great grandfather and grandmother moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan with my grandfather who was from Michigan. My grandfather parents lived in the south when he was younger. But my grandfather’s great-great grandparents where slaves who were run a ways who later went back south after the civil war. My grandparents lived in Grand Rapids and raised a family both of my grandparents had kids from a past marriage. They later had kids with each other the first child was my mom after her was my uncle Ben, after him it was my aunt Tracey.

    The last child that they had was my uncle Corey. For my dad’s side of the family my great-great grandfather was a Native American who lived down in Georgia with his wife and kids. My great grandmother later had my grandmother who lived down in Georgia with my grandfather. They later moved to Alexandria, VA where my dad and brothers and sisters where born. Before I was my born my grandfather died because of a hit and run. My parents later meet at Howard University where my mom attended school to become a teacher.

    My parents dated for about 5 years and later had me in 1994.My parents never married was a child born out of wedlock I also have two siblings but they are half siblings according to the Webster dictionary a . .gout with him and my god-brother Tre a lot he basically raised me like I was his son to this day his death still hurts me. But out of all of the bad in my family there has been good. Such as my Uncle Ben got remarried and had two daughters from the marriage he is still married to his wife now.

    Also we have added a boat load of kids on both sides of the family which is great because the younger kids will be able to continue the tradition.Overall, I have great family I know people who look from the outside might see a dysfunctional family but I love my family. I wish things could be better but I wouldn’t change anything for the world. This paper is probably the first time I really talked about my family in depth and I feel fine doing it because I feel like I should tell people more about my family instead of acting like I’m embarrassed by them when people ask.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Family History : My Grandmother Essay. (2019, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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