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    My Dream Job Becoming a Reality Essay

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    Having a dream job must be that certain job that you have always reached for. It is that job that you promise you would do anything to have. I am currently one of the Calumet City Swat Team members. Being an important part of the community is something great to have achieved, especially being a part of the law enforcement. There are plenty of benefits that come with being in the Swat along with seeing children smile in a safe and productive environment.

    Climbing the ranks takes time and leads to challenging positions that are difficult to adjust too. Another thing difficult to adjust too is an automatic rifle. Being a Swat member, I am armed and must be trained for special types of missions. While most American’s would view law enforcement as a division that is here to punish them, many officers, like myself, know that we are here day in and day out to protect and serve the people of America. Advancement and benefits are what a lot of American workers want out of their jobs. It gives you something to work hard for and it definitely keeps you focused.

    In order to have advanced to the Swat officer I am today, I needed to surpass many other goals. I chose this lifestyle and understood that sacrifices will be made. Climbing through the ranks was crucial for me. I would not be where I am if I did not earn the experience and lessons I did on the field. It is tough and challenging to advance through the ranks but there is a feeling of honor after accomplishing the short term goals to get to your overall goals. The health benefits that come with the job are not just the ones you sign a contract for.

    I have received great health care and a promising retirement plan but the greatest health benefit is that my job requires me too keep mov. .ve with positive youths and adults. Advancement through not only life but a career is very important. It is something that will keep you motivated to continue positive and efficient work. Doing things the right way will show many people your character and ultimately shows that if given the chance, you will teach others the same.

    We also know that not just anyone can own weapons and must be trained; however, the Swat members are tactically trained and must be above average on weapon expertise. This weapon training take the Swat member beyond capable of extraordinary challenges on a day to day basis. My job as S.W.A.T.

    member has truly been a dream come true, it has allowed me to accomplish lifelong goals and has given others the chance to follow there dream as well. Through motivation, hard work and determination I earned a career that I enjoy every single minute of.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Dream Job Becoming a Reality Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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