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    My Boston massacre poem

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    Stanza 1
    The Boston massacre was a street fight,
    Happened when the revolutionary war was just in sight.
    Patriots stood there, skin and bone
    Stood there, throwing stones.
    Stanza 2
    At a red coat,
    Threatening his throat,
    He called for help,
    With a yelp
    Stanza 3
    The Americans kept pelting,
    As anger was smelting.
    When the British came out
    Something was to happen, no doubt
    Stanza 4
    They opened fire! Right into the crowd
    They made sure to make their general proud.
    The Americans were mad!
    But technically it wasn’t as bad
    Stanza 5
    As they said, since only,
    Five dead, six wounded solely.
    In the minds of rebels, act of terror
    In the minds of the British, a minor error.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Boston massacre poem. (2018, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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