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    Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay

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    Live musical performances, in several aspects, are often associated with heavy partying, drinking, and promiscuity. Professional harpists are no exception to the pressure of caving to this kind of lifestyle. Don Cesar Unquenched explains in his interview that his father was subjected to a great deal of pressure to engage in heavy drinking that could last up to several days. Professional harpists were integral to a variety of celebrations and ceremonies in Tundra’s and the surrounding regions.

    For this reason, harpists were in extremely high demand and traveled the country for events frequently. Harpists not only suffered from the exhaustion of playing for several days at these celebrations, but were also highly encouraged by the attendants of these events to engage in drinking. The temptation was often difficult to ignore for these harpists, as they were subjected to witness the party-goers engaging in what seemed like never-ending drinking. Don Cesar Meniscus’s father was of the very few professional harpists to successfully resist the urge to submit to such heavy pressure throughout his entire career.

    He saw how many harpists suffered the harsh consequences of spending all their earnings on alcohol and leaving their families penniless in the end. Unquenched Sir. Swore to himself that he would not cause such hardship for his family, and worked hard to obtain property for his family to inherit. For much of Don Career’s life, the suffering a professional harpist went through kept him from becoming one himself. From reading Don Career’s personal accounts, it seems as though Cesar believed he was not strong enough to ear the temptation and exhaustion that accompanied harp playing.

    However, Don Cesar eventually gave up his first career as a hat maker in order to become a professional harpist because he could not ignore the Joy it brought himself to see others love his music. Cesar greatly admired his father’s hard work and found peace in being able to live on his father’s greatness through becoming a professional harpist himself. 2. Salvador Allendale response to the Nava Action style of music greatly contrasted that of the government that both lead up to and followed his presidency in Chile.

    Allendale vision for Chile greatly mirrored the messages that were conveyed through Nava Action songs. During his campaign in 1970, Allendale and speakers of his Popular Unity Party incorporated the use of a Nava Action ensemble between speeches. This style of music allowed the people, specifically workers, peasants and students, to speak out against their oppression and expose the social injustices brought on by corrupt politics. Allendale recognized Nava Scansion’s power to unite the people of Chile who were under brutal attacks of the government, and in a way eave the people tangible hope for Chilean reform.

    Immediately following the military Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay By Kelsey 2 the presence of Nava Action in any form, including imprisonment of Nava Action musicians. The government understood how greatly this style of music influenced the opinions of the Chilean people and saw it as a threat for maintaining control. However, Nava Action did not die with Allendale death in 1973. Musicians and the people of Chile continued to work to spread the music in order to fight against corruption. 3. Repeat of Question 1) 4. Andean Ensembles are important to the indigenous people of the Andes Mountains because this music is in expression of the cultural values held within that region. This music style encompasses all aspects of Andean culture that is deeply valued by the natives of the Andes, and allows for the culture to maintain its richness for younger generations. In fact, the reason Andean Ensemble has sustained itself for so long is because it appeals to the young teenagers inspired to make music. Andean

    Ensembles appeal to outsiders of the region because of how well the music style traveled across continental borders. Since many natives of the Andes traveled to different regions of the world to trade a variety of textile goods, including woven ponchos and blanket, the music traveled with them. These Andean travelers developed relationships with people of a variety of cultures and shared their love for Andean Ensembles with them. Andean music styles attracted so many people on a global scale because of its unique sounds and specific attention to all details surrounding the music.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music Traditions Around the World Chapter Essay. (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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