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    Music Therapy vs antidepressants when treating depression Essay

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    The harmful side effects of antidepressants. 3. The effectiveness of Music Therapy. 4. Getting Music Therapy covered by health care and monogenic epilepsy. (Transition) Let’s start by looking at the effectiveness of antidepressants. II. Body (sentences in body should be complete sentences) A. Pro/For 1: Antidepressants are effective in reducing depressive symptoms. 1.

    Antidepressants are meant to create a “floor” to how “low/depressed” one can notionally become. 2. According to an (April 1 1, 2012, article on Discovers Fit and Health by Bobbie Hassling) Low levels of the neurotransmitters of the brain called serotonin and morphogenesis are associated with depression and sadness. Antidepressants help by bringing the levels of serotonin and morphogenesis up, creating a happier mood. (Transition) Now let’s look at the cons… B. Con/Against: Antidepressants can cause harmful side effects. 1.

    In an (article on helped. Org, in January 2014, Melinda Smith) says they can cause insomnia, eight gain, decreased sex drive, diarrhea and constipation among other side effects and can be serious enough for patients to stop taking antidepressants. 2. (Dry. John Gomez, professor of Psychology at Our Lady of The Lake University/Expert Testimony) explains that, and I quote, “Antidepressants could help patients gain their energy, but their negative thoughts could still be lingering and now they have enough energy to go forth with suicide”. Transition) Another treatment for depression is Music Therapy… Music Therapy vs.. Antidepressants when treating depression By Greensville . Moonrise Gonzales, a Music Therapist, Board Certified/Expert Testimony) Music Therapy is the evidence based use of music therapy to achieve therapeutic goals administered by a qualified therapist. Music Therapy is non-invasive and has no side effects. There is no music center in the brain, therefore, music is processed all over the brain which lets it bypass anything that is damaged and could even recreate it.

    For example, if a patient had a stroke and their Brooch’s area (part of the brain that controls speech) is damaged, the Music Therapist can use songs from the patient’s nouns adult years that they loved which will let them use their memory to sing them and treat the speech area of the brain indirectly. (Example) 2. Music Therapy affects a steep rise in the levels of serotonin which influences mood, which is why music therapy is often used to treat anxiety and depression disorders. (Transition) Some cons of Music Therapy are E. Con/Against 2: Music Therapy can be difficult to get approved by healthcare and could cause Monogenic Epilepsy. 1.

    Musical Therapy does not have its own CAP code when it comes to health care. On February 2012, Margaret Rouse of Searchlight) explains that a Current Procedural Terminology (CAP) code is used to report medical procedures and services to physicians or health insurance companies. CAP codes can be borrowed from a Physical Therapy CAP code, for example, but it can still be hard to get it approved. 2. According to (Rolando Benzene, in his 1981 book, Music Therapy Manual, Monogenic Epilepsy is a rare condition that can be cause by some music or sounds and it can cause fainting spells, absent mindedness, paleness and incoherent comments.

    Transition) As we have seen there are several ways to treat depression. We covered… Ill. Conclusion A. Summary of Main Points 1 . The effective ways in which antidepressants can reduce depression. 2. The side effects of antidepressants. 3. How music Music Therapy can help with depression. 4. The difficulties on getting Music Therapy approved by healthcare. B. I hope that now you can understand the pros and cons of using Music Therapy or antidepressants to treat depression. C. Whether you choose Music Therapy or antidepressants, do not let depression take over and make you feel worth less and hopeless.

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    Music Therapy vs antidepressants when treating depression Essay. (2017, Nov 20). Retrieved from

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