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    My Family History Argumentative Essay

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    Having a close circle of people is the most precious thing in the world. When you come home and see a bunch of happy faces, delicious dinner on the table and everything is flavored with sincerity and coziness – it enriches you with the feeling of worthiness. Family history is of the utmost importance due to your roots define the level of socialization, the network of contacts and the essence of you as a personality.

    My family history possesses a specific mood and discloses my individuality and peculiarity of my family. Understandably, it takes time to define the roots and it is nearly impossible if you do not contact with your grandparents or, even worse, if they passed away. Luckily, my grandmothers are still with me and, traditionally, we browse through old black – white photos and my grandparents recollect every meeting, each person and every event with tears in their eyes. Honestly, I marvel at my grandparents capacity to remember those old great days in history. I wish I could remember everything being 80 – plus – an aged lady as my grandparents did.

    My Father’s Input into My Family’s History

    My father is used to retell our family’s history whenever there is the occasion for all the members of my family to gather together. He is the one who is responsible for letting us know his roots since his father has already laid down his life. The fact is that his mother is not into politics and army; therefore, my father tells my granddads stories over and makes us believe all the magnificent life vicissitudes of those times.

    My father’s family always lived in the same district and they never moved to a new city. After joining the army, my father applied for a job in the local factory. It goes without saying that it was a kind of a family habit because my father’s parents also used to work there. It seemed like everything was plain and routine, but my uncle was obliged to join the army in Afghanistan. The whole family lived in fear and panic while hoping for his coming back. When my uncle came back it was like he was born for the second time. Grey hair, lost sight, and wrinkles all around his face, poor health – everything looked like he got pretty old; however, he was only up to 25. Now this story sounds magnificent and full of bravery, but those days it was dreadful.

    During the period of waiting for his brother, my father met my mother. She worked at the same factory, but, what a surprise, she was a young manager. My father was not interested in relationships because he wanted to change the sphere of occupation. His drawings are magnificent and he endeavored to enter the college, but the large family was poor and couldn’t allow spending the last coin on his getting degree. When my father made up with the attempt to become an artist, he paid attention to my mother – dark-haired manager with a cheerful smile and ambitious face.

    My Mother’s Input into My Family’s History

    Short haired lady with green eyes charmed young and handsome worker of the factory. My mother was born in another city and rented the flat close to work in a new city. It was a great opportunity for her to try herself in managerial work. Now, my mother knows that this step was crucial for her since she met her future husband.

    My mother’s family had nothing to do with the army since only two girls were brought up in the family. Family history of my mother is more diversified since her father was born in Poland. He was the representative of a specific ethnographic group of people – Lemkos. His future wife – my granny – was interested in medical history, especially, health issues were her passion. Due to the lack of money she couldn’t enter college. As my grandmother once told me those times were very hard and people tried the way to make money and have food. Education was the last issues which worried people of those days. To cut a long story short, medical history is great passion for my granny even nowadays.

    A new job, new acquaintances and new way of life made my mother do great things which she knew would help her to develop good network of people. Such a magnificent kind of mood attracted my father and they have managed to start new family history.

    New Family – New History

    My family history is the thing to be developed and improved. Family history consists not only from positive moments, sometimes it is undermined with health issues. Fortunately, my family is strong and our new history is full of happy moments. If there is any trouble, we do not concentrate and that is the only right solution.

    My father was very happy to hear that my mother undertakes a specific kind of health – pregnancy. The first child was born and brought colors to their lives. My sister was of poor health and that period of life was stressful for my parents.

    Family history started to bloom and the second child was born, that was me – a cheerful and a bit naughty little lady with great ideas and magnificent ability of ‘parents’ irritation’.

    I appreciate my family history which is full of unforgettable moment. Moreover, this is great happiness to see that your family has deep roots with a number of generations which develop family history and enrich it with events, people, and emotions. When you know the history, it means that you can pass the stories to future generations. There will be more true stories and fewer myths, more things to share and fewer misunderstandings even in a new city.

    I wish I could develop my part of our family history and pass on the knowledge I keep in my mind. Family history is the part of my essence since my behavior is built on my family.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Family History Argumentative Essay. (2019, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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