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    music project for English composition Essay

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    Now, it is important to understand that a majority of music today is overeducated with the same over used tones and motionless songwriters in hopes of capitalizing on a lucrative venture that is usually steered by no artist whatsoever. Mainstream media can often paint the picture of what you see or think about music. I personally believe a lot of the music that is still pure exists on a vinyl record. The vinyl can allow me to feel like I ‘m in the room with the artist as the record was created or composed and that is when I feel truly connected to music.

    Music is an escape from now. If treated with respect, loyalty, and love then the direction one single song could take me is literally infinite. I’ve learned to accept its imperfections. I’m powerless over a misunderstanding of someone else ‘s work but still hold the ability within myself to interpret it however I choose. The way I appreciate what music has done for me should have an effect on the next man without a single word being spoken. My love for such work should be felt in what I create by others.

    It’s like an old couple at a table together eating, not saying a word but, by the way they hold themselves so content with love for each other so strong there is no need for explanation. I often feel that music is the most enduring part of our personality and not literature. If you were to take away rhythm, dance, lyricism and all other elements you would possibly be removing the biggest part of a lot of people ‘s days, weeks, years, or entire life.

    There is a fuel that drives us all. So, I will end with a question; What do put in your tank? The basic cheapest stuff that will get you where you need to go, the stuff that will have you traveling smoother maybe releasing some things that your holding on to, or will you walk to have time to understand, appreciate, and completely submerge in a physical and mental Journey I call music? Music project for English composition 1 By Chase-Triggered

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    music project for English composition Essay. (2017, Dec 03). Retrieved from

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