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    Music Is An Ineffective Tool For Communication Across Essay

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    Music promotes the ethnicity and culture of the people. First of all, music is a universal language. Another way to explain music is an expression of the mood, culture, history and traditions of the different countries. Nowadays, English is a common and universal language around the world, but for thousands of centuries, people from different areas, different countries of the world have made contact without sharing much or any common language. In my opinion, long time ago, people may use more music as a tool to communicate to each other.

    It is because not all people can study all the language all over the world such as English, and in more early stage, people don’t know how to speak. Voice and sound also types of music, through sound, people can spread out the message easily. According to Learn English Magazine (Web magazine), they said that: “Some researchers believe that early forms of human language developed from communication through music, and certainly music continues to fulfill many functions in different cultures today (Lynn). ” Another example that why I point out hat music is a universal language is like birds.

    Bird is a great example that can communicate by musical sound. Bird can communicate and “talk” to each other by musical sound even they didn’t have tongue and teeth like human to form words. Different areas and countries have different languages, impossible humans in the world know about all the different language in the world. In addition, music can represent an area or a country. For example, while listening to music or a song, we can know about where it from such as rock song probably from western country and USIA with music instruments like Gushing, Lute is probably from eastern country.

    Next, through music, we can learn a variety of languages. This could provide a platform for enhancing our knowledge on languages especially those foreign to our mother tongue. Since people were small, their parents always ask them to listen to English songs because they can learn English easily. That is a way to learn language across culture. Not only English, people can learn a lot of language in the world. For instance, the Koreans K-pop music is very famous in global such as, SYS, the one who ins “Kananga style” and “Gentleman”.

    Although people may don’t know Koreans official language, but still have a lot of people fall in love with K-pop music because Korean songs knows how to bring tremendous enthusiasm to folk. People will start to like different music, different language and different culture according what they Music Is An Ineffective Tool For Communication Across Cultures By Machine By: Chic Chining Me (Maw) language and culture with each other. Western people start to sing and listen to mandarin songs; eastern people start playing western music instruments such as IANA and guitar.

    It is because our life had Joined together. For another example, music brings out intercultural marriage. Intercultural marriage make the couple listen to different music, makes people learn different languages and Joining different cultures. In any marriage, communication is the important key to manage a relationship. Couple must deal with the problem of multiple languages. Through music, couple can learn each other’s languages; couple can also improve their language and at last, their own children will know and learn about two different engages and also cultures.

    Furthermore, music is such a powerful tool to influence people’s thought across different cultures. It is because it by passes the intellect and speaks directly to the emotions and it is an expression of emotion. Humans brain wills automatic follow which kind of music that brings emotions for them. Music is generally considered “the language of emotion”. For example, in the eastern tradition, according to Buddhism culture, when having funeral will broadcast some sad music. So when others hear it, people will know it and respect and condolence for the unreal.

    No matter what country or religions, when a couple marriage, the couple will broadcast some happiness music during their wedding ceremony to inform others they are happy and happiness. People listen to those happiness music, they people think that the bride and groom is very happiness and blessing for the bride and groom. In addition, music brings out some silent message. Why during the FIFE World Cup football competition, Olympic will have theme songs? It is because they want easy to communicate to other countries all over the world.

    When people listening to hose theme songs, people can know and think about those activities. It already becomes a culture all over the world. Apart from this, music promotes the ethnicity and culture of the people through a diverse combination between the composed piece and musicality of musicians. For instance, in one country might has different religions but their languages can remix into one song. The song will be one type of music to promote the ethnicity and cultures of the country and also different religions like Malaysia have a lot of songs is remixing with the three main languages,

    English, Mandarin and Malay. In addition, music can promote and educate people on the history of other cultures by using traditional music instruments. In the eastern countries, the music instruments are much different from the western countries. For example, eastern countries have Gushing, Lute and Rear; western countries have piano, guitar and electronic guitar. Although the music instruments, music and sound are different, but if eastern music remix with western music by using those music instruments that will be perfect match.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music Is An Ineffective Tool For Communication Across Essay. (2017, Dec 02). Retrieved from

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