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    Mother Teresa Essay Summary (294 words)

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    Mother Teresa is one of the greatest people of alltime. She spent her entire life serving others. She didnot worry about her own personal needs. She would ratherlive in poverty and help poor people than be wealthy andhelp no one.

    Mother Teresa lived in self caused povertybecause she felt that was her call. Mother Teresa was born into a wealthy family inBelgium. People who knew her at an early age described heras a goody-goody. Mother even taught her parents to bepeople. Mother Teresas father owned a constructionbusiness and therefore her family was affluent.

    But thisall changed when her father died at the age of 42. Herfamily became extremely poor. At the age of 18, MotherTeresa left her family and went to India. Mother Teresanever saw her family again.

    While in India, Mother Teresajoined the Loretta congregation. Since she was welleducated, she taught Geography to her sisters. After 20years in the Loretta congregation, she left to help the poorand the sick. She felt that this was her call. Mother Teresa at an early age was accustomed to seeingmany different types of people. She probably ran into manyimpoverished people.

    This is where she got her call. India at the time of Mother Teresa was in chaos. Gandhi had just been assasinated and the country was in astate of civil war. Many people who had already beenextremely poor became desditute. They had no means to takecare of themselves.

    They needed help and they needed itbad. Mother Teresa felt that it was her vocation to helpthese people. She was the only person who tried to doanything about their impoverishment. Mother Teresa did most of her work in Calcutta, India.

    It was a somewhat modern city with many rich people in it,but the majority of the population was dirt poor.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mother Teresa Essay Summary (294 words). (2019, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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