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    Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation Dates

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    386 A.D.
    What is the date for St. Augustine Converts to Christianity?
    400-1000 A.D.
    What is the date for Barbarian Invasions and Vikings?
    405 A.D.
    What is the date for St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate?
    451 A.D.
    What is the date for The Council of Chalcedon?
    c. 540 A.D.
    What is the date for St. Benedict and Monasticism?
    527-565 A.D.
    What is the date for Justinian the Great?
    570-632 A.D.
    What is the date for Mohammed and Islam?
    714-814 A.D.
    What is the date for Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlmagne?
    871-901 A.D.
    What is the date for Alfred the Great?
    962-973 A.D.
    What is the date for Otto I and the Holy Roman Empire?
    1054 A.D.
    What is the date for the East-West Schism?
    1000-1400 A.D.
    What is the date for the Feudal System?
    1066 A.D.
    What is the date for William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings?
    beginning c. 1100 A.D.
    What is the date for Cathedrals in Europe?
    1095- c. 1250 A.D.
    What is the date for The Crusades?
    1182-1224 A.D.
    What is the date for St. Francis of Assisi?
    1215 A.D.
    What is the date for the Magna Carta?
    1225-1274 A.D.
    What is the date for St. Thomas Aquinas?
    1254-1324 A.D.
    What is the date for Marco Polo?
    1337-1453 A.D.
    What is the date for the Hundred Years’ War, The Black Death, and Joan of Arc?
    1376-1417 A.D.
    What is the date for the Great Papal Schism?
    c. 1380 A.D.
    What is the date for John Wycliffe and John Huss?
    1453 A.D.
    What is the date for the Fall of Constantinople to Mohammed II?
    1456 A.D.
    What is the date for Gutenberg Prints The Bible?
    c. 1300-1517 A.D.
    What is the date for The Renaissance?
    1478 A.D.
    What is the date for The Inquisition?
    1517 A.D.
    What is the date for Martin Luther Begins the Reformation?
    1525 A.D.
    What is the date for Ulrich Zwingli and the Anabaptists?
    1534 A.D.
    What is the date for The Act of Supremacy?
    1536 A.D.
    What is the date for John Calvin and the Institutes?
    1545-1563 A.D.
    What is the date for The Council of Trent?
    1560 A.D.
    What is the date for John Knox, Scottish Reformer?

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    Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation Dates. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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