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    Metaphysical Poetry by Carlos Daniel Cervantes-Perez Essay

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    The Five Metaphysical Elements By Carols Daniel Perez God Speaking On Nature I am God, the maker of nature. I formed it all from mountains to creatures. I will only speak on nature alone, Because is what I have made my own. Nature is rather strong. Nature is rarely wrong. It can be ugly beauty, But provides fruit that’s fruity. Nature is unanimously smart. And always has the greater part Nature is always true Nature is the color of sky blue Nature Is forest green, It Is every color possibly seen. Nature Is as bright as the sun beaming, It Is as wonderful as a child dreaming.

    Nature Is In every place. It Is always a spot of grace. Nature Is every bird that flew, Nature Is even YOU. Nature yet includes ME. Nature will forever be free. Why is it that some people in the states don’t know him? When many here go to church, praise, and sing hymns. L, myself, feel like I’m not sure who He is. I hope this is a colossal quiz. So now I feel the need to search. A good way to see is through the church. I repeatedly hear that he is love, Then why isn’t he here, instead above. Why did he give the option of sin’so now I live accompanied by burden within.

    Why does it seem as if he left us alone? When not many new miracles have been shown. Why are there many religions for choice? If it should be only his that we must to rejoice. If anyone can reply my questions, aid me with faith! To a degree become wisely bathed, In order to reach angel SST. Gabrielle gate I understand that with God, I shall walk straight. I didn’t write this poem to be poetic But to seriously find hope in the one they call heroic. Ambitions of a Lordlier My classy brown lordlier, I love it when I get inside her. When I put the key in the ignition, To ride is her longing ambition.

    The art of love is extremely proper, because of that, My love for the vehicle can’t be offered. Her compressed hydraulics makes her Jump, And she goes crazy when gas is pumped. I press the pedal to go quick ahead, Then her exhaust sound wakes the dead. We ride for hours, till she gets dirt-muddy. So we approach a carcass, to get her non-cruddy. Her trunk is as enormous as a walk-in closet So that’s when I go behind to close it. She’s years older than me, But manages to work herself perfectly. She also looks like a foreign vehicle, But was made a China classical.

    To keep that lordlier clean, it is a must. I never knew a car could be my love. This lady traveled and became a poor immigrant. Native and proud to be Mexican. Who knew her youngest son would someday be president, And will lead all Americans. He is a rose that grew from concrete. His looks aren’t the best, but are handsomely neat. He literally has twelve siblings, All healthy and still living He barely discovered his long-gone father Wondering where his dad vanished, it really bothered. He stood straight, chin up, with a firm look Still willing to accomplish the dreams he took.

    He is seventeen years of age, a teenager barging into the young adult stage. Born in Fresno, California in the year of 1992, Still growing, now knowing what to do. Who is He? That person is me. TWENTY LINE SONNET We’re forced to came and become learners Though it’s my most hated loving passion, We’re pushed to reach further and further. Only if they knew my brain’s a learning ration. So I want to prove a point to this guy, Just to let him know that he’s been instructing right. Now what is metaphysical poetry? It was famously adopted in the 17th Century. Samuel Johnson contributed with the name

    Yet growing threw poetry in the sass’s, he gained fame Another forefather of this writing was John Done, Born in 1573 however during 1631, he was gone. Metaphysical poetry can be classified as a characteristic style It’s highly intellectual and has philosophical usage which makes it sort of guile And features intensive use of ingenious conceits and turns of wit Therefore this style of writing will never quit. I hope Vive prove my learning session And let this poem be a metaphysical possession How is it that I hate studying but love learning? Well that doesn’t matter as long as knowledge is my earnings.

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    Metaphysical Poetry by Carlos Daniel Cervantes-Perez Essay. (2018, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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