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    Mesopotamia and Epic of Gilgamesh

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    Understanding the history of Mesopotamian region is a complex task because:
    Over time different peoples controlled the whole region or parts of it and it is difficult to determine precise dates for when the early civilizations were established or conquered.
    List these in Chronological order: Gutians, Ur III period, Amorites and Akkadian
    Akkadian, Gutians, Ur III period and Amorites
    3 facts concerning Sumerians
    1. They were the first literate inhabitants of Mesopotamia.
    2. In the Sumerian-Early Dynastic period there were advances in mathematics, Cuneiform writing and astronomy.
    3. The Ziggurats, like the one at Ur, were built during the early dynastic period.
    True or False: The Ur III period saw a Sumerian renaissance.
    True or False: The bunched-up shoulders on the statue of Gudea express intense concentration.
    True or False: The Gutians were not good administrators
    Abraham came out of Ur during which period?
    Ur III
    2 facts concerning the Amorites
    1. The Code of Hammurabi contained regulations dealing witha wide range of topics, and included provisions for trial by bench of judges for serious offenses punishable by death.
    2. The Code of Hammurabi code was an early attempt to establish a just society.
    The Stela of Hammurabi attributes which of the following symbols to the sun god Shamash?
    1. A throne representing a mountain meeting site.
    2. A four-tiered horned headdress and a robe that bares one shoulder
    3. A measuring rod and rope ring that represents justice and power.
    Organize in chronological order: Amorites, Assyria, Kassites, Babylonia
    Amorites, Kassites, Assyria, Babylonia
    Which empire carried off Jews into captivity?
    which empire carried off what would become the Lost Ten Tribes into captivity?
    True or False:
    1. Two prophets carried into Babylon were Daniel and Ezekiel.
    2. In the Bible and the Book of Mormon, the babylonians represent the wicked world.
    3. The winged bulls in the palace of Ashurnasirpal II act as guardians of Assyrian king.
    4. The babylonians were conquered by the Persians in 537 B.C.
    All True
    T or F: Cylinder seals served as an ingenious method of locking precious chests.
    T or F: “Me” was a set of divinely prescribed regulations that governed every aspect of human society.
    What were included in the Babylonian pantheon of gods?
    Anu, the supreme god and father of the gods.
    Ishtar, the goddess of love.
    True or False:
    1. Shamash was the god of justice.
    2. Ishtar was the Mesopotamian Venus.
    3. In practice, Enlil was the dominant god.
    All True
    True or False:
    Ea saved humankind from total destruction in the flood
    3 facts concerning Babylonian ideas of the afterlife?
    1. A boatman ferried the dead across a man-devouring river.
    2. Some sources say that the underworld had a lapis lazuli mountain with locked and bolted gates that was guarded by gatekeepers.
    3. The netherworld was ruled by Erishkigal, goddess of death and gloom, and Nergal, god of plagues.
    insecurity of Mesopotamian life made everyday religion one that included:
    1. Fear of evil and black magic
    2. belief in evil demons who might cause them trouble.
    3. Frequent prayers and offerings made to place the gods and keep them happy.
    Mesopotamian religion included belief in:
    1. Magical devices for defeating hostile demons.
    2. Omens found in the entrails of sacrificial animals.
    3. Interpretations of dreams.
    4. Astrological signs.
    T or F: According to Mesopotamian religion, the reason for being for humanity was to serve the Gods so they would have leisure for divine activities.
    T or F: The starting point for processions in the city of Babylon was the Temple of Marduk.
    T or F: The name for the Ziggurat at Babylon was “The House of the Link between Heaven and Earth.
    Mesopotamian Religion
    1. Kings were responsible for providing offerings in the temples.
    2. The spiritual head of the temple, the en, was the opposite gender of the temple’s god.
    3. The en directed a number of priestly orders with specific duties, such as offering libations and performing purification rites.
    The Ziggurats were buildings which:
    1. Was to Heavenly Father, a counterfeit temple.
    2. housed the image or statue of the god, as well as the gifts and sacrifices offered to the temple treasury.
    T or F: The word Babel means, “confused”
    T or F: The word Balal means “honor”
    The Epic of Gilgamesh follows the temple pattern in the way it contains references to:
    1. A creation story in which a main character-Gilgamesh-is created with a perfect body.
    2. A story of a fall that involves the changing of the natures of the main characters-Enkidu and Gilgamesh
    3. An account of a journey in which the main characters-Gilgamesh and Enkidu-seek to overcome evil.
    2 facts regarding the Epic of Gilgamesh
    1. The gods kill Enkidu as punishment for insulting the goddess Ishtar and killing the bull of heaven.
    2. The death of Enkidu forces Gilgamesh to ponder his own mortality, which motivates him to take on a last quest for immortality.

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    Mesopotamia and Epic of Gilgamesh. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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