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    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay Paper

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    For the entire creation scene the camera shows the point of view of Dr. Frankenstein using camera angles and shots from his perspective, however, when Frankenstein does pull the creature up on the chains hanging above the laboratory the camera shows a high angle shot looking down on Frankenstein from the creatures view, this enforces the idea to the audience that the creature still alive but also that the creature has emotions and feelings.

    An extreme close up is used when the creatures eye flickers open, this builds up the tension for the audience and again portrays the life in the creature, the camera then pans round to the doctor who believes the creature has lost all life and his experiment didn’t work, in doing this the camera pans the room giving the audience an idea of how much work went into the creation due to the state and busyness of the laboratory.

    A close up shot is used when Frankenstein is standing in front of the mirror reflecting upon what he has done and the little he thinks he has achieved, this gives the audience another insight into his way of life during the creation. Sound is also used in the creation scene to build up the tension, fast music is used when the doctor is preparing to bring the creature to life, over the music, once the creature has been brought to life, the clattering and hammering of the monster can be heard from inside the casket, until it bursts open.

    All of this builds up tension and suspense for the audience. Before the casket breaks open you can hear Frankenstein talking to himself. “Yes, yes” There is then a few seconds silence in which he uses to listen for movement from the creature but this is also used to engage the audience into what’s happening. However, the silence is broken by Frankenstein’s loss when he thinks he has lost the monster.

    “No, no, no, no, no” This is then followed by a loud bang from the monster to which the doctor’s response is; “It’s alive, it’s alive” The silences are used to create tension and suspense for the audience but also give the audience time to reflect on what they have heard and feel for the character. This is specifically obvious when the realisation hits Frankenstein. “What have I done? What have I done? ”

    This is followed by six church bells that could be used to represent a new beginning, as in a wedding or Christening bells are used to show the beginning of something new and for Frankenstein this was only the beginning. In conclusion Kenneth Branagh has adapted Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in many ways most of which are because it has been made into a film which uses different methods to portray things such as feelings and emotions which in a book can be written down but in the film these feelings must be shown through the characters themselves.

    However, he has adapted other things so as to keep realism throughout the film for example in the book there is no mention of the monster being in embryonic fluid, but Kenneth Branagh adapted this so as to portray the feeling that it may not have been such a ridiculous idea to try to create new life from old life and many of the ideas Dr. Frankenstein had were logical and methodical. In doing this Kenneth Branagh may have reduced some of the scepticism in the modern day audience.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay Paper. (2017, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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