Many people feel they are not the “follower” they say they tend to bemore of the leader. But even these leaders follow a role model. Dependingon your role model this one person can influence many of your day-to-daydecisions.
There are many aspects to why and how teens chose their rolemodels, and also how far teens will let their role models influence themA majority of teens choose role models that have what the teens fellthey are lacking. For example a teen who feels they are lacking inattractiveness might choose a supermodel or the “it” celebrity as theirrole-model. Often the media can cause these insecurities by putting such a largeemphasis in the positives of the actress with the nicest body and so teensfeelthey are lacking and wish to be more like this actress. According tostudiessome children start choosing their role models as young as their toddleryears although the type of role model changes as they grow.
While a person is in their teen age years they might choose a rolemodel to be rebellious. Especially if the teens parents push the teen tochoose responsible role models the teen is more likely to choose someonetheir parents disapproves of,How far do role models influence teens? Teens with role models tendto get better grades. Cigarettes, alcohol and drug use also tends to benonoccurring in teens with role models. If a teen had a role model that theyknow( I.
e. a parent or teacher) they also tend to affect their daily livessuchah the clothes they wear and the music they listen to. The teen strives tobelike this person so they will make similar decisions as that person wouldmake. This also applies to teens who have famous role models althoughusually in a more negative way. An example is that if a teens role model isBritney Spears the child will try to dress as scantily as Britney does ( oratleast as the public eye sees her).
In the long run this could have anegativeaffect in the teen because they will realize they don’t look as good in theclothes as Britney does. I highly doubt people now a days realize what an influence they mighthave on people. From the reasons a teen chooses someone to be their rolemodel to how far the teen allows a role model to influence them there aremany factors. Hopefully people will now realize how the power of oneperson can influence so many.