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    Mandatory Community Service for High School Students Should Be Imposed

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    High school students should have to complete mandatory community service to graduate. In this day and age, many students are unaware of the hard work that goes into balancing a job and going to school. In high school, you need a minimum of 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. I believe that students in secondary school should have to complete mandatory community service in order to graduate because it helps give back to the community, adjusts students to a real job and teaches them responsibility. Many students see this as a punishment and a waste of time however, I strongly believe that it’s a very helpful experience to have that will benefit you greatly when you move on into adulthood.

    First of all, completing community service helps give back to your community. Volunteering your time to a good cause can help immensely in your community because it comes from a place of kindness and not money. You will also feel very empowered and good about yourself knowing that you did something to help others. Although you don’t get paid for your time, you will feel great giving back to a good cause that you support.

    Mandatory hours that students will have to complete will help them adjust to what it’s like to be an adult, and what it’s like to have a real paying job. This will force students to balance school, home life and volunteering so they aren’t overwhelmed, just as you would if you had a real paying job. Volunteering is like having a job but without being paid so students will understand more what it’s like to work. Most importantly, volunteering is something that jobs look for on your resume making it more appealing to them. Already having your hours completed will make an easy transition from high school life to adult life.

    Volunteering your hours in the community in order to graduate from high school will teach you how to be a responsible person. More specifically, showing up to volunteer your time will teach you commitment because you’re going to be dedicated to doing something every week or month. Lastly, you will learn responsibility from the volunteering you do for example, when you work at an animal shelter you have many obligations to complete such as feeding animals and cleaning cages. Contributing your time to a cause and showing up frequently will teach you the simple acts of responsibility without you even realizing it.

    In conclusion, high school students completing mandatory community service will benefit greatly from the experience because it helps give back to the community, adjusts students to a real job and teaches them responsibility. In the future, completing 40 hours will help young adults tremendously in many ways to prepare them for life after secondary school and easily transition them from school to a real paying job.

    Works Cited

    8. volunteer.jpg

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mandatory Community Service for High School Students Should Be Imposed. (2022, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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