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    Listening Report ? Family Values Tour 98 Essay

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    When I sat down to do a Listening report last night, I started

    thinking, “Who am I kidding?”. I am never going to push

    myself to listen to 15 Jazz CD’s in a week and a half, so I

    am going to do the remainder of my listening reports on

    music that I like to listen to. You may think it defeats the

    purpose of listening reports, but that’s not true. What these

    guys play may sound like heavily distorted noise, and too

    much yelling played at way too high of volumes to the

    average adult, and honestly, it is. But there is music, and

    every day 1000’s of kids are trying to teach themselves their

    favorite headliners, and that’s how we learn to play our

    instruments in the first place.

    So, now that I’ve convinced

    you WHY I am doing this listening report, here is the actual


    The song (the only one by this group) on the CD is

    New Skin by Incubus which is really cool, because

    to most people it sounds a lot like rap, but to me it is

    a really fast-paced alternative music song because

    of the actual instrument playing (not featured in the

    basic drum tracks of rap music) and the repeated

    chorus, which sounds really cool because the

    bassist and lead vocals play and sing on a perfect


    The second group on the tour is Orgy. Their biggest

    headliner is Blue Monday, which is a really kickass

    remake of the David Bowie Original. Its about some

    guy who hated Mondays, so he went out and shot a

    bunch people, mostly kids I think, at some

    convention WAY back in the day. Then David Bowie

    wrote a song about it, and it was under a lot of heat.

    But now, Orgy made the song HUGE.

    It is an

    amazing song. Orgy has a very unique sound. They

    are sort of an Electro-Punk band. They have some

    really hardcore guitar riffs, but they also got some

    sweet Synth tracks and stuff like that. The best thing

    about them, though, has got to be their Vocal

    Distortions. They got this cool echo-y noise added

    to their voice.

    Orgy also performs Dissention and


    The next group is Limp Bizkit. These guys

    co-starred the tour, and performed such songs as

    Faith, you’ve probably heard people singing this

    song. Its another remake, I have no idea who wrote

    the original or why, but it’s a cool song, ;Wouldn’t it

    be nice, If I could touch your body . . .

    .” That’s the

    opening of the song. They also redid an old House

    of Pain song, ;Jump Around;.

    The Next two groups are ICE Cube, the Rap artist

    on the show, and Rammstein. Both groups in my

    opinion are terrible, so I just won’t talk about them.

    The last group is the star of the show.

    Korn. They

    performed a Medley of some of their greatest

    songs, and some unreleased songs. It was called

    the Shot Liver Medley, and it featured the titles:

    Shoots & Ladders (A medley itself, of a bunch of

    Nursery Rhymes to a punk beat), Justin,

    Predictable, Ball Tongue, Divine, Kill You. They also

    sang some of their other huge hits like Freak on a

    Leash (the one we listened to in class two days

    ago) Twist, which is the greatest song in the world

    because all he does is go absolutely mental

    screaming pure jibberish for 4 minutes. And Got the

    Life, which is a song about how rich they are, but yet

    they don’t spoil themselves and even though their

    lyrics may be disturbing, they are all nice guys.

    This is a compilation CD, so I am not going to name all 20

    some odd musicians.


    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Listening Report ? Family Values Tour 98 Essay. (2019, Mar 07). Retrieved from

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