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    Legend of Martin Luther King Jr Essay

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    Nearly three centuries ago, African slaves were brought to the New World and put into slavery.

    They were treated more cruelly in the United States than in any other country that had ever practiced slavery, and ever since its prohibition, African-Americans have fought oppression. Martin Luther King Jr. , would aid immensely in this fight. He was born in Atlanta Georgia in 1929. His father, Martin Luther King Sr. Was a Baptist minister and also preached for civil rights.

    By the time he was 17 he had decided to follow his fathers footsteps, so he himself was ordained as a minister. After his graduation from the Crozer Theological Seminary, when he began postgraduate work at Boston University, he studied the works of Indian nationalist Mohandas Gandhi, from whom he derived his own philosophy of nonviolent protest. He moved to Alabama to become pastor for a Baptist church. Just after he received his Ph. D. in 1955, King was asked to lead a bus boycott in Montgomery.

    It had been formed after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a white passenger. Throughout the 381 days which the boycott lasted, he was arrested and jailed, repeatedly threatened, and his home was bombed. The boycott ended later that year when the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in public transportation. This was his first victory and alone made Dr.

    King a highly respected leader. When he went to India in 1959, he studied Gandhi’s principle of “Satyagraha” or nonviolent persuasion, which he planned to use for his social protests. In the following year he decided to move back to Atlanta to become copastor with his father. In 1963 he was back in Birmingham, Alabama, where he led a massive civil rights campaign, organizing drives for black voter registration, desegregation, and better education throughout the South. During that time he led the unforgettable March on Washington where he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech to millions of viewers across the nation. The next year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    He went on to launching his first major northern campaign in Chicago. Black Baptists were there opposing him, and a mob of club carrying Ku Klux Klan members and Neo-Nazis met his marchers. With all that he had said and done, on April 3, 1983 he said “I have been to the mountain top and seen the promise land. ” This was the day prior to his demise.

    Sadly, the following day he was shot to death in Memphis Tennessee. Nearly 500,000 of his loyal admirers attended his funeral. It was the end of his civil rights crusade. “A man who won’ t die for something is not fit to live” he had once said. That day he died for civil rights, he died for his dream. Prejudices have always and will always exist among people.

    The prejudices this nation faces now, and has faced for years is racial oppression and segregation. Martin Luther King had a dream. He didn’t want people to be “judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. ” He was determined that the dream would become a reality, and in most ways it did.

    The rights of the people are now equal. Any person, regardless of his race can do anything. No longer is the African-American community limited in their rights or segregated from society. We have all grown closer to racial unity. Despite all of this, racism remains in the minds of people, and hate crimes as well as white supremacist organizations still exist.

    If racism itself is ever eliminated, it will only fade away with time, being replaced by another prejudice belittling a part of society. Prejudices have proven to be inevitable in human society and will continue until the end of time. Martin Luther King Jr. played a major part in today’s problem, and will have an impact on what is to .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Legend of Martin Luther King Jr Essay. (2019, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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