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    La Solidaridad (English: The Solidarity) Sample Essay

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    La Solidaridad ( English: The Solidarity ) was an organisation created in Spain on December 13. 1888. Composed of Filipino progressives exiled in 1872 and pupils go toing Europe’s universities.

    the organisation aimed to increase Spanish consciousness of the demands of its settlement. the Philippines. and to propagate a closer relationship between the settlement and Spain. Headed by Jose Rizal’s cousin. Galican Apacible.

    it besides issued a newspaper of the same name which was published in Barcelona. Spain on February 15. 1889. It was edited by Graciano Lopez-Jaena and subsequently on by Marcelo H. del Pilar. The newspaper published non merely articles and essays about the economic.

    cultural. political. and societal conditions of the state. but besides current intelligence. both local and foreign. and addresss of outstanding Spanish leaders about the Philippines.

    Members•Dr. Jose Rizal ( LaongLaan )•Marcelo H. del Pilar ( Plaridel )•Antonio Luna ( Taga-Ilog )•Mariano Ponce ( Tikbalang )•Jose Maria Panganiban ( Jomapa

    Other Members•Pedro Paterno•Antonio Maria Regidor•Isabelodelos Reyes•Eduardo de Lete•Jose Alejandrino•Jumarlim•Robert Lacamra

    International Members•Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt ( Austrian ethnologist )•Dr. Miguel MoraytaSagrario ( Spanish Historian.

    university professor and solon )

    HistoryIn order to happen a locale where the desire of the Propaganda Movement towards accomplishing assimilation can be expressed. La Solidaridad was established. The first issue of the La Solidaridad came out on February 15. 1889.

    Published biweekly. it served as the chief organ of the reform motion for six old ages. In general. its financess came from the Comite de Propaganda in the Philippines.

    Rizal was foremost offered the place of its editorship. However. he declined because he was really busy footnoting Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in London. In the terminal. Graciano Lopez-Jaena showed an involvement in going the editor.

    On April 25. 1889. La Solidaridad published the missive entitled “The aspirations of the Filipinos” which was written by the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina de Madrid ( English: Hispanic Filipino Association of Madrid ) . It pursued desires for: •Representation in the Cortezs
    •Abolition of animadversion•An expressed and definite prohibition of the bing patterns of expatriating occupants by strictly administrative order. and without a writ of executing from the tribunals of justness.

    On December 15. 1889. Marcelo H. del Pilar replaced Graciano Lopez-Jaena as the editor of the La Solidaridad. Under his editorship. the purposes of the newspaper expanded and drew the attending on politicians and even Spanish curates.

    Using propaganda. it pursued desires for: •That the Philippines be a state of Spain
    •Representation in the Cortezs•Filipino priests alternatively of Spanish friars–Augustinians. Dominicans. and Franciscans–in parishes and remote sitios•Freedom of assembly and address•Equal rights before the jurisprudence ( for both Filipino and Spanish complainants ) After old ages of publication from 1889 to 1895. La Solidaridad had begun to run out of financess. It ceased publication on November 15.

    1895. with 7 volumes and 160 issues. In del Pilar’s farewell editorial. he said: “We are persuaded that no forfeits are excessively small to win the rights and the autonomy of a state that is oppressed by bondage. ” THE ORGANIZATION

    Galicano Apacible was the first president of the La Solidaridad. With him was Graciano Lopez-Jaena as vice-president.

    Mariano Ponce as financial officer. and Jose Rizal. who was so in London. as Honorary President. Apacible did non stay long plenty as president since could non keep the spat reformists together any longer.

    What the organisation needed were people like Rizal and Marcelo H. del Pilar who could reunite the sentiments of the Filipinos in Spain. La Solidaridad was viewed as a rival organisation for Miguel Morayta’s Spanish Orient Lodge of Freemasonry. Later.

    the two organisations collaborated in their request to the Minister of Colonies. Their requests were as follows: ?to have representation in the Spanish Cortezs?to get rid of the censoring of the imperativeness?to prohibit the pattern of exile of citizens through administrative orders The use of Spanish linguistic communication in their articles and columns that was unfamiliar to the Filipino people was one of the factors that limited their influence. plus the controlled flow of the reading stuff endangered the really being of the publication. But La Solidaridad reached local ilustrados and lead radical forces however. The efforts of Spanish regulation for La Solidaridad gave more accent to the deficiency of freedom the propagandists were runing for.

    Since the propagandists wrote accurate issues about the society. empathy was given by the readers. The subjugation felt by the people enkindled and set forth the continuity of reformation by any agencies possible during those dark times. THE Publication
    Soon plenty. on 15 February 1889. through Jaena.

    the La Solidaridad newspaper was created. It served as the chief organ of the Propaganda Movement for over five old ages. with its last issue released on 15 November 1895. To cite the column in the first issue of La Solidaridad: “Our aspirations are modest.

    really modest. Our programmed. aside from being simple. is clear: to battle reaction. to halt all retrograde stairss. to laud and follow broad thoughts.

    to support advancement ; in a word. to be a propagandist. above all. of democratic thoughts in order to do these supreme in all states here and across the seas. The purposes. hence.

    of La Solidaridad are described as to roll up. to garner. libertarian thoughts which are manifested daily in the field of political relations. scientific discipline. art. literature.

    commercialism. agribusiness and industry. We shall besides discourse all jobs associating to the general involvement of the state and seek solutions to those jobs in high-level and democratic mode. ” The Solidaridad became successful through the parts of Filipino authors in Barcelona.

    viz. : 1. Marcelo H. del Pilar ( anonym: Plaridel )2.

    Jose Rizal ( anonym: LaongLaan )3. Mariano Ponce ( anonym: Naning. Kalipulako. Tikbalang )Between 1872 and 1892. a national consciousness was turning among the Filipino emigres who had settled in Europe.

    In the freer ambiance of Europe. these emigres – progressives exiled in 1872 and pupils go toing European universities- full filled their desire to organize a strictly Filipino organisation with the constitution of La Solidaridad in Barcelona on December 13. 1888. Rizal’s cousin. GalicanoApacible. became president of La Solidaridad.

    Among the other officers were Graciano Lopez-Jaena as vice-president and Mariano Ponce as financial officer. Rizal. in London at the clip. was named Honorary President.

    Unfortunately. Apacible could non keep the haggle reformists together. The prestigiousness of Rizal and the political wisdom of delPilar were needed to unify the Filipinos in Spain and to organize their attempts. But eventually.

    on February 15. 1889. the Filipino propagandists were able to acquire together behind a new publication which they called La Solidaridad. and which for its more than five old ages of its being became the chief organ of the propaganda motion.

    It existed up to November 15. 1895. Its first editor was Graciano Lopez-Jaena. a celebrated speechmaker and pamphleteer who had left the islands in 1880 after the publication of his satirical short novel ( Fray Botod ( Brother Fatso ) . an uncomplimentary portrayal of a provincial mendicant ) .

    He was shortly succeeded by Marcelo H. del Pilar. La Solidaridad was a political propaganda paper with a broad. progressive orientation dedicated to the undertaking of contending reaction in all its signifiers. The paper stood for the moderate purposes of representation of the Philippines in the Cortes. or Spanish parliament ; secularisation of the clergy ; legalisation of Spanish and Filipino equality ; creative activity of a public school system independent of the mendicants ; abolishment of the Polo ( labour service ) and vandala ( forced sale of local merchandises to the authorities ) ; warrant of basic freedoms of address and association ; and equal chance for Filipinos and Spanish to come in authorities service.

    The column of the first issue of La Solidaridad expressed its purpose: “Our aspirations are modest. really modest. Our plan. aside from being simple. is clear: to battle reaction. to halt all retrograde stairss.

    to laud and follow broad thoughts. to support advancement ; in a word. to be a propagandist. above all.

    of democratic thoughts in order to do these supreme in all states here and across the seas. The purposes. hence. of La Solidaridad are described as to roll up. to garner. libertarian thoughts which are manifested daily in the field of political relations.

    scientific discipline. art. literature. commercialism. agribusiness and industry.

    We shall besides discourse all jobs associating to the general involvement of the state and seek solutions to those jobs in high-level and democratic mode. With respect to the Philippines. since she needs the most aid. non being represented in the Cortes. we shall pay peculiar attending to the defence of her democratic rights. the achievement of which is our loyal responsibility.

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    La Solidaridad (English: The Solidarity) Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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