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    John Hale Vs. John Proctor Essay

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    Rev. John Hale vs. John ProctorThe characters of John Hale and John Proctor in The Crucible can be compared and contrasted according to their key traits, goals, and tendencies to change. These characters are probably the two most important characters in the play.

    They both are strong men mentally and are proud of what they accomplish. Reverend John Hale and John Proctor can be compared and contrasted according to their key traits. Reverend Hale is a man in his late forties. He is intelligent and very proud. He believes that he earned his titled as Reverend, the title was not only given to him. John Proctor is a man in his mid-thirties and like Reverend Hale he is proud of what he does.

    Proctor is also a man who is physically strong since he is always working on his farm. He is a person who does not like hypocrites or frauds. He is also stubborn and not easily led into things. People respect him and fear him as well. These two characters can also be compared according to their goals.

    Reverend Hales goal is to save the citizens of Salem from being condemned to death and of being accused of witchcraft. If someone is accused, Reverend Hale wants to get that person freed and prevent them from an unnecessary death. John Proctors goal is to first get his wife freed from jail after being accused of witchcraft. He also wants to get Valentin Benitez himself free and wants Hathorne and Danforth to see that there are no witches in Salem and that all the deaths that they have created are unreasonable and irrelevant. They can be further compared and contrasted by their tendencies to change. Reverend Hale usually is a straight faced, stubborn man who stands for what he believes in.

    At the end of the play he cries as John Proctor is taken off to be hanged before the whole village. John Proctor was also a stubborn man that did not deny what he believed, but at key times in the play he changed what he was saying and fighting for against the court. He first said he did not practice witchcraft and had never seen the Devil, but afterwards he said the opposite. He said that he was an evil person and that he did practice evil acts.

    In Act Two he also went from saying that he was a good man to finally confessing to being an adulterer and a lecher. The more appealing character was John Proctor because through his stubbornness and inflexibility he was a more interesting character. Proctor was a spontaneous character at times also when he changed his arguments into confessions. English Essays

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    John Hale Vs. John Proctor Essay. (2019, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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