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    Job Krogstad Essay (522 words)

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    Torvald: I can’t remember the last time I loved Nora. All I can remember is how beautiful she looked when I first saw her, and how she reminded me…of a doll, so innocent, so sweet, just waiting to be played with, to be taught about the world, I could dress her up, and she would be mine, people would look at her and think, my Torvald is a lucky man…and I was…. if I ever loved her then I can’t remember when I changed… and if I didn’t then she didn’t deserve me. But, a part of me wishes, wishes that I did, that I should have, that of all the mistakes I could make in my life, and all the mistakes I have made, that the mistake of not loving her, not showing it, and making her runaway like that…that is a mistake that god himself could not forgive.

    Krogstad: I am not going to say you are wrong, Torvald, I am only going to offer you hope…that- Torvald: Come back to your job Krogstad, please, come back. I’ll give you a good position, better than anything you would have wanted. Just come back. Krogstad: No Torvald, you can’t correct your mistake like that. It has been decided. Ms Linde and I are leaving; our carriage will be waiting for us soon. Torvald: I don’t understand! Why won’t you accept your job back? Krogstad: Because, Torvald, I don’t want to work with a man like you. You are inconsiderate, you are full of yourself, you always think of the quick way to solve a problem. You are the epitome of everything in the world that has gone against me.

    (Krogstad walks to the door and stands in the door frame) Torvald: Don’t go, please Krogstad, don’t go. Stay here, work for me, I will change, I have to, don’t you see, how can I go on like this, after everyone finds out about Nora I will be ruined, my reputation, my new job will be taken back, I might even be fired because of this, they need a family man, a man, who has the perfect life. I do not, or ever had the perfect life, I just lost the perfect lie though, and that, is almost the same thing. Almost. Krogstad: Almost.

    Torvald, you need some sleep- Torvald: No! (Gets up) Don’t you see, I’ve been asleep my whole life! I’ve never been more awake, I’ve been following orders before, but Nora leaving, makes me see, the most wonderful thing of all- Krogstad: Torvald. Goodbye. I wish the best of luck to you, and I wish the best of luck to Nora. Goodbye, get some sleep, and I suggest you stop thinking about Nora. She is gone. People will find out, and you will suffer the concequences. And I do not want to be here to see it. I had too much respect for you. Goodbye. (Walks out of the door, closing it behind him leaving Torvald, who slumps back down again and the fire behind him dies out and leaves him in darkness.) Torvald: Goodbye.

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    Job Krogstad Essay (522 words). (2017, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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