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    Is Organic Food Really Better For You Than Genetically Modified Foods

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    Discussed in the following essay, I take a coherent position on a health related topic that is largely spoken about in today’s society: Is organic food really better for you than genetically modified foods? While many seem to have a neutral and uncertain approach to this topic, I take the position that organic food is in fact healthier than genetically modified foods. To support my position on this given topic, I have the intention to review both the pros and cons of organic food as well as genetically modified foods. Additionally, I will analyze possible objections towards the topic in order to demonstrate they are both arguable but one carries a logical conclusion.

    Food consumption being a daily activity for everyone, we see health discussions come into play and occupy a large role. Concerned, few people have been debating which will benefit them most: genetically modified foods or organic food. Following a scientific survey to a large population, we can observe that the majority of people believe both are equal or are not sure about their answers due to the lack of education on this topic.

    Health conscious people tend to be aware of the negative effects of genetically modified foods on the environment and therefore conclude that organic food is in fact healthier. There is no doubt that organic is better for the environment, but the real question is, is it better in terms of health for humans. Starting with the cons of organic food, it is possible that it contains toxic ingredients like yeast extract, hydrolyzed soy protein, etc., but these are easily avoidable as you can purchase organic foods that do not contain these. This being the only con, that is also preventable, it should indicate an advantage for organic food. In terms of the pros, organic food has no synthetics, chemicals or hormones that are added to them and the foods are also grown naturally.

    In terms of genetically modified foods, we notice that they are much more affordable which leads people to buy these products. What seems to be concealed is bacterial toxins are starting to create resistant bugs on the food and since people are eating these foods, they are also consuming the bacteria and the toxins. Additionally, food allergies have increased because of these chemically filled foods. On the other hand, when looking at the pros of genetically modified foods, they often carry high nutritional value which leads to healthy benefits. This creates a conflicting problem for people, whether to purchase and eat genetically modified foods or organic foods.

    As stated in the beginning of this essay, my position on this topic is that organic food is healthier than genetically modified food. However, when analyzing the potential objections and refusals, we can understand the central idea that nutritional quality of the food is an important aspect that is delivered by both parties. People argue that genetically modified foods pesticide levels are ranked at standard and all Canadian foods need to strictly follow all recommendations and be evaluated thoroughly. Therefore, people raise the conclusion that they are considered safe. Moreover, a large number of studies demonstrate no confirmation that one or the other are richer in terms of nutritional value. Whilst these are defensible factors, it is important to note that there have never been a prolonged study on the safety and utility of genetically modified foods. Furthermore, organic food are often a primary choice of food purchase for the reason that people prefer to avoid artificial chemicals in their food.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Is Organic Food Really Better For You Than Genetically Modified Foods. (2022, Jun 07). Retrieved from

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