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    The intense sunlight shimmed through Essay

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    The intense sunlight shimmed through the curtains like a light into a diamond ring. The compassionate sunlight probed my skin and then, it was gone. Like my desire to live. It was early Sunday morning, and the birds were chirping their early April anthem, as I scraped the for-filled shaving foam off my long face. All I could smell was the exquisite scent of the fresh flowers and their pollen that filled the air. As I sluggishly lifted my heavy head, I noticed the ugly, shameful figure staring back at me. What had I become? How could I do such a thing?

    I started to panic. Heat surrounded me like a fire as my heart pounded the blood around my body. My conscience was knocking at the door. I felt like I never had the right to live any longer. She must suspect something’surely by now! I acquired my razor in my left crippled hand, I observed it closely. Robert Colquitt Page 2 I saw my reflection in the sharp blade. Absurd thoughts raced through my troubled mind. I could not admit the guilt. I had to do some thing. If not on my behalf, but Charlotte’s. I felt like I was not worthy.

    After my extended shave, I decided to take my ghastly razor out with me. Incase things got too much. My dear love accompanied me, as we walked down the ancient, foul alley. She started to question me… “What is the matter darling? ” She continued as she gripped my arm with full control, “Why do you look so depressed? ” I could not reply. Charlotte knew we had become so distant, what she didn’t know was the reason why – Because of my terrible deed. She proceeded in quizzing me. Why could I not answer the simplest questions?

    “CAN WE PLEASE JUST FORGET ABOUT ME? ” I accidentally roared at charlotte. She looked at me with those puppy eyes, like her whole world had come crashing down. I felt for her really, and in my reply to her tearful face was “I’m sorry babe, I just don’t feel well. ” That’s when I was positive that before night fall I, Matthew Weeks, Would commit suicide. Due to my lack of respect for others The supreme sun retired below the abstruse clouds, as Charlotte and I prepared to attend our local church. I asked our mighty lord for advice on what to do.

    I had no reply. I asked the lord should I stay or should I die’still no reply. As I glared at my one true love, I realized that there was only one way out of this. Robert Colquitt Page 3 It was a feeble evening on our way home. Charlotte was looking stunning, in her yellow gown and her shawl of diamond red cloth. But I couldn’t deny the devil my evil body. As I deported my fierce razor blade, charlotte started to question me. Again… “What are you doing? ” She pulled me lose, wedging my worthless body towards hers.

    “You don’t have to do this Matthew… ” she continued “We can get you help! ” I was constantly trying to escape from charlotte to be obedient to my leader, the devil. I was determined to do what was right. Then I did it. I stood in the April rain and glared at what I had done. I looked up into the dark, steamy sky as the thunder lightening struck nightfall. Instead of taking my own worthless life, I had taken charlottes. At least now, if I reached heaven, I could be alone with my one and only love. Without guilt. Until the end.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The intense sunlight shimmed through Essay. (2018, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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