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    Charlotte Dymond Essay (547 words)

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    Matthew weeks a local boy from Bodmin was hung yesterday for the murder of Charlotte Dymond. Matthew was a crippled farm hand that worked with Charlotte on the Bodmin farm. Charlotte was a well-known girl and had many friends and family that loved and cared for her. The two were lovers for a short period of time prior to the murder. It was known that Matthew seemed to be the jealous type when Charlotte was to talk to another man. Charlotte was a well-liked girl and she was very outgoing, so being friendly with people was one of her niceties.

    Matthew it seemed was a quiet boy around people, although Charlotte knew him as a loud and talkative boy. The night of the murder was a very gloomy night the locals explained. There was mist and fog on the moorlands and it seemed to be very cold. The couple spent there last night together walking through the moorlands. It was said that Matthew and Charlotte walked into the mist just after Charlotte was paid on Lady Day. They spent three hours together that night but ended in a terrible way. Matthew was to return alone that night and he seemed to react very strange, work mates said.

    He seemed all quiet and he had a look of guilt and despair on his face. The workers were worried about Charlotte being late home and so they called the police and reported her missing. As soon as the police came to the farm, they took Matthew in for questions. They found Charlotte lying in her own blood and rain near Rowtor Ford on the Bodmin marsh. Her throat was slit with one slice and she was left there to bleed to death. Matthew explained that his intentions were to get back at Charlotte for what she had done to him. The police asked what this reason was. But he failed to answer that question.

    After hours of interrogation Matthew told the police that she was with another man. He was of course a jealous person and people knew that but to kill a person is totally un-human. Although Matthew was a cripple the police and others never underestimated how lethal Matthew could actually of been. He was said to have attacked one of the other prisoners at the prison he was staying at until the execution. The prison guard said, ‘Matthew was a very disturbed convict and was disliked by many of the men inside the prison but he did try to get through his pain’. The police do not yet know the person Charlotte was seeing.

    Matthew and Charlotte had been lovers for the previous Three months and had been very happy throughout their relationship. Matthew was very jealous and people knew of him snapping before but did not realise he was capable of this. The execution was said to have been very successful. It took place at 3:00pm in the afternoon of 28th April. The police said that it had been the worse case of murder in a long time. This had been the work of a sick and deprived man. Charlotte’s family will be mourning her death the day after tomorrow. He body and soul will be with us forever and always. Rest in piece Charlotte.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Charlotte Dymond Essay (547 words). (2018, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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