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    Inspirational Pharmacists Essay

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    The 3 inspirational pharmacists have displayed some points from the 7-star. Firstly, care-giver. Dhineli Perera provides care to the patient as she treats them like her own family members. Jenny Gowan visits the patients in their home as part of Home Medicines Reviews.Alex Bongers teaches the patients on the wound care. Furthermore, I have learnt to be a good teacher. Dhineli Perera gets the impact on patients and health professionals. She has influenced the medical professions by being a mentor to the junior doctor so that they could be a good prescriber in the future. Jenny Gowan has also demonstrated the role of teacher by producing training videos for the nurse practitioners. Innovative is one of the “stars” in WHO 7-stars pharmacist and this has been demonstrated by Alex Bongers. In his words, continue to be innovative. Always try to make the health care better than the previous one. As a pharmacist, being a good communicator is crucial because we are the ideal position between the doctors and the patients. Alex Bongers uses his knowledges to explain to the patients. For instance, he taught the patients to manage the medicine in antibiotic. Dhineli Perera knows to prioritise in time management which shows that she is a good decision-maker.

    The importance of the stars is that we can improve the patient health, counselling them and provide guidance for support. In my opinion, being a pharmacist is more than dispensing medicine to the patient. A pharmacist ensures the patient to take medicine appropriately, cares for the patient and educates them the correct way and time of consuming the medicines. The collaboration and experiences with the health care professionals in order to improve the person’s life. From my perspective as a pharmacy student, success in pharmacy means I am able to use my knowledges throughout my 4 years study to make people better in the health care. There are some challenges in pharmacy. The patients are unable to identify what a pharmacist does in the hospital. Besides that, there may be a huge population of aging in the future due to the advancement of the technology and medical sciences. The pharmacists must prepare to deal with the older patients as they may require long-term care.

    The reasons that excites me to join the pharmacy school is that I am able to use my professions, knowledges and skills to improve person’s life. I really enjoy communicating and interacting with the patients. Moreover, working as a team with the health professionals to deliver health care services, prevent diseases, and to promote health to the community and families.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Inspirational Pharmacists Essay. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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