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    Intercultural communication and cross-cultural man Essay

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    agementWhen talking about “Intercultural communication and cross-culturalmanagement”, we more or less have to accept that culture does exist, atleast as an abstract concept or as an abstract “unit”.

    As a unit one cananalyze and try to understand a culture, which may have vague or undefinedborderlines separating one culture from another. These borderlines – whichmight move from time to time and from situation to situation – can,however, be crossed for various reasons, such as in connection with allkinds of intercultural co-operation, international tourism, cross-culturalmanagement, etc. And intercultural communication, of course, is importantin all of these situations. One of the basic statements for this paper, therefore, is as follows: It ismeaningful – from an abstract as well as from an empirical point of view -to consider “culture” as a continuously changing unit, the contents ofwhich can be analyzed and compared with the contents of other cultures. My understanding of culture will be covered by the following definition:Culture is the philosophy of life, the values, norms and rules, and actualbehavior – as well as the material and immaterial products from these -which are taken over by man from the past generations, and which man wantsto bring forward to the next generation – eventually in a different form -and which in one way or another separate individuals belonging to theculture from individuals belonging to other culturesAs time goes on, people begin to fine other “resource” beyond their homecountry. Join in international company and work in host country, as theirinner philosophy of their life exist, they can’t avoid culture shock, otherpeople use their own way to thinking to acting, different way of conductbusiness, value and norms est.

    both of these will crash both of peopleinvolved in this condition will reduce efficient or ability of them andprocess of doing things. From article of attention!! Working in Swiss and differences betweenGermans and Americans we see these countries have different measurements ofdoing things-their uncertainty avoid, low or high power distance,individualism ; collectivism both of these will effect through wholemanagement process and base on manager’s capability of culture awarenessand subordinates’ different culture awareness. With fast changing of this world company need high quality workers some ofthem may come from different culture, so intercultural management appears. In order to let them work efficiently supervisor should improve theirknowledge of different culture or company fail in competition. Asindividual work in different culture environment who should also knowdifferent culture exist in different country and different type of people,know it and adopt differences between their home countries as soon aspossible.

    We can get final success only if we do in this way follow therule of this game!! .

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    Intercultural communication and cross-cultural man Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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