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    important poem lines

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    “I have outlawed the furthest city light/ I have looked down the saddest city lane”
    acquainted with the night
    “And further still at an unearthly height/ O luminary clock against the sky/ proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right/ I have been one acquainted with the night”
    acquainted with the night
    “And set the wall between us once again/ we keep the wall between us as we go.”
    Mending wall
    “To each the boulders that have fallen to each/ and some are loaves and some so nearly balls/ we have to use a spell to make them balance”
    mending wall
    “‘Good fences make good neighbors'”
    mending wall
    “before i built a wall i’d ask to know/ what I was walling in or walling out/ and to whom i was like to give offense”
    mending wall
    “the buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard”
    out, out-
    “and the saw snarled and rattles, snarled and rattled,”
    out, out-
    “Since he was old enough to know, big boy/ Doing a man’s work, though a child at heart-/ He saw all was spoiled”
    out, out-
    “Little- less- nothing! – and that ended it./ No more to build on there. And they, since they/ Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs”
    out, out-
    “My little horse must think it queer/ to stop without a farmhouse near”
    stopping by woods on a snowy evening
    “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep./ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep”
    stopping by woods on a snowy evening
    “Nature’s first green is gold”
    nothing gold can stay
    “So eden sank to grief/ so dawn goes down to day/ nothing gold can stay
    nothing gold can stay
    “Some say the world will end in fire/ some in ice”
    fire and ice
    “And sorry I could not travel both/ and be one traveler, long I stood”
    the road not taken
    “And both that morning equally lay/ In leaves no step had trodden black”
    the road not taken
    “I shall be telling this with a sigh/ Somewhere ages and ages hence:/ two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/ I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference”
    the road not taken
    “Essence of winter sleep is on the night”
    after apple picking
    “there were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,/ Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall”
    after apple picking
    “he sang is didn’t he danced his did”
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    “children guessed (but only a few and down they forgot as up they grew”
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    “summer autumn winter spring/ reaped their sowing and went their came/ sun moon stars rain”
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    “No/ Tres) & (pas)”
    old age sticks
    “&) youth goes/ right on/ gr/ owing old”
    old age sticks
    “and kisses are a better fate/ that wisdom/ lady i swear by all flowers”
    since feeling is first
    “for life’s not a paragraph/ And death i think is no parenthesis”
    since feeling is first
    “Go to the western gate, Luke Havergal/ there where the vines cling crimson on the wall,/ And in the twilight wait for what will come”
    Luke Havergal
    “The dark will ed the dark, if anything:/ God slays himself with every leaf that flies,/ And hell is more than half of paradise”
    Luke Havergal
    “Out of a grave I come to tell you this- to tell you this”
    Luke Havergal
    “Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn”
    Miniver Cheevy
    “He wept that he was ever born/ And he had his reasons.”
    Miniver Cheevy
    “Miniver Cheevy, born too late,/ Scratched his head and kept on thinking;/ Miniver coughed, and called it fate,/ And kept on drinking”
    Miniver Cheevy
    “We died like aunts or pets or foreigners./ (When we left high school nothing else had died/ For us to figure we had died like)”
    “It wasn’t different: but if we died/ It was not an accident but a mistake”
    “In bombers named for girls, we burned/ The cities we had learned about in school-“
    “When we lasted long enough they gave us metals;/ When we died they said,”Our casualties were low.””
    “He was a gentleman from sole to crown,/ Clean favored, and imperially slim”
    Richard Corey
    “But still he fluttered pulses when he said,/ “Good Morning,” and he glittered when he walked.”
    Richard Corey
    “From my mother’s sleep I fell into the State,/ And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze/ Six miles from earth, loosed from the dream of life/ I woke black flak and the nightmare fighters/ When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose”
    the death of the ball turret gunner
    “I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions/ Whatever I see, I swallow immediately/ Just as it is, unfits by love or dislike”
    “I am important to her. She comes and goes”
    “Rises towards her day after day, like a terrible fish”
    “War against the stiff brocade”
    “What is Summer in a fine brocaded gown”
    “The letters squirmed like snakes”
    “What did I know, what did I know/ of loves austere and lonely offices”
    those winter sundays
    “Beautifully Janet slept/ till it was deeply morning. she woke then”
    Janet Waking
    “one kiss she gave to her mother/ only a small one she gave her daddy”
    Janet Waking
    “And would not be instructed in how deep/ Was the forgetful kingdom of death”
    Janet Waking
    “so much depends/ upon/ a red wheel/ barrow/ glazed with rain/ water/ beside the white/ chickens.
    The red wheelbarrow
    “the houses are haunted/ by white night-gowns”
    disillusionment of ten o’clock
    “People are not going/to dream of baboons and periwinkles”
    disillusionment of ten o’clock
    “Forgive me/ they were delicious/ so sweet/ and so cold”
    This is just to say
    “‘Think as I think,’ said a man, ‘Or you are abominably wicked”
    “Think as I think,” said a man
    “Heavenly hurt it gives us”
    There’s a certain slant of light
    “‘Tis the seal, despair/ an imperial affliction/ sent us of the air”
    Theres a certain slant of light
    “Succes in Circuit lies
    tell all the Truth but tell it slant
    “the Truth must dazzle gradually/ or every man be blind”
    tell all the truth but tell it slant
    “The Stillness in the Room/ Was like the Stillness in the Air/ Between the Heaves of Storm/ The Eyes around- had wrung them dry/ And Breaths were gathering firm”
    I heard a Fly buzz- when I died
    “I could not see to see-“
    I heard a fly buzz- when I died
    “her side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting,/ alive, still, never to be born.”
    Traveling through the dark
    “We wear the mask that grins and lies”
    We wear the mask
    “It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes/ This debt we pay to human guile/ with torn and bleeding hearts we smile”
    we wear the mask
    “we sing, but oh the clay is vile/ Beneath our feet, and long the mile”
    we wear the mask

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    important poem lines. (2018, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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