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    Imagine what it would be like to live or work on a Essay

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    farm, to grow crops like corn a farm, to grow crops lide corn and wheat, and to raise livestock like cows, pigs, and chickens. Some may not be able to take exclusion from most of the world, but those who can would have the time of their lives. . . unless they were forced to live and work on a plantation like slaves had to do. A man named Lewis Tappan beleved that blacks would always have to, eat, wald, travel, worship and work with people of color (Mabee 95).

    Miss Hane, the protagonist in Ernest Gaines Miss Jane Pittman, tells the story of her trials as a young, negro slave who was emancipated while she was still hust a little girl, bout leven or twelve, she says. Frederick Douglass once said, The only well grounded hope. . . for emancipation is. .

    . moral force (Mabee 3). This moral force that he spoke of finally goy to someone in a high place in 1862 when Abraham Lincoln presented the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. Freedom followed most of the slaves by the proclamation, but those not freed for some reason, found freedom in 1865 by the thirteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States.

    After freedom, many of them stayed on the plantations to work for pay, while others left the minute they discovered their freedom. Many thought that they could somehow make their lives better by finding a different place to live. Miss Hane decided to do just that. Ernest Faines The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman accurately depicts the life of a black slave who was freed from slavery and raised in the society of the mid/late 1800s. Many white people did not wany the slaves to have freedom , because many whites believed that blacks were not equal to whites and should never be anything else but a slave.

    Some whit people even wanted to kill all of the black people, they did not comprehend that the blacks were now supposed to live equal to them. White patrollers went around and killed all of the black people that they saw. . .

    . when the patrollers spotted somebody, a bunch of them would surround the person and beat him until they had knocked him unconscious or killed him. (Gaines 21). Many people, black or white, said that, . . .

    every nigger in the south is in danger of being killed. And accordingly, Big whit boys and half-grown men used to pelt them with stones and run them down with open knives, both to and from school. Sometimes they came home bruised, stabbed, beaten half to death, and sometimes quite dead (Litwack 279). Nobody seemed to show any concern that black people were being killed le!ft and right, for no reason.

    White people had no right to mistreat blacks just because they felt so inferior back then.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Imagine what it would be like to live or work on a Essay. (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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