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    I Have a Dream Speech Analysis – Research Paper

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    The fire that kindled in my heart when I saw something in a science exhibition where I went just to escape from the daily study schedules, it was that kind of magic which would have been for someone to step on the moon for the first time. This has not reduced in its’ strength even a little. It has been the same since then and I know it always will.

    My dream is to kindle the same fire in the heart of a child towards science who go to the outside world to escape his/her daily study schedule and spend some time with his friends.

    The fire is going since then for something that I know I can do. I can change the If I do not aspire to change the way others look science at, and rekindle the dream to turn their imagination into dream, I would still consider myself lost, even if I win everything else, I have ever aspired for.

    I have always dreamt about m long term career goal as a researcher in the field of Power System and giving out my knowledge through teaching. For me, teaching is not about a career, it is to kindle the same fire in the heart of a child towards science who go to the outside world to escape his/her daily study schedule and spend some time with his friends.

    Hence, research and teaching both are going to be as intellectually stimulating as satisfying to me. So, my decision take this up as my career objective, is a decision, I will always feel proud for.

    I would like to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in Electrical Engineering . My interests include Power systems and predicting the faults so as to avoid blackout/ finding effective ways to tackle/avoid blackouts.

    I have always been captivated by the mysteries of mathematics. For my undergraduate research work, I was exposed to a range of advanced mathematical techniques and I was especially attracted towards the analysis of Power System and its problems in Quality. These fields need a strong mathematical rigor as well as the potential for research is the essence of these areas.

    I always had a predisposition to help the academically weak students to improve their scores as well as holding seminars for the interested students about academically interesting topics. At UW Madison, during Fall 2017, I worked as a Teaching Assistant for MATH171 and, for MATH 211 during Spring 2018. This position has strengthened me further to interact with students from different backgrounds and various cultures and I am proud to have such an opportunity.

    The curriculum and research work, during my Undergraduate and Graduate levels, have provided abundant exposure to the vast possibilities of research. The research work during my Graduate degree, includes extensive literature review, framing new questions, and finding innovative ways to tackle the research problems effectively.

    It not only strengthened my abilities for research, but also provided an outlook of the research that’s going on around. The extracurricular research experience during my Undergraduate, has helped me to develop a taste for using the appropriate platforms and tools, considering the needs of the research problems.

    I hope my curriculum as well as my research and work experiences have enabled me to meet the high standards of the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, which it is known for. Further, my interests in faut detection and power systems are well-represented by the faculty.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    I Have a Dream Speech Analysis – Research Paper. (2023, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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