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    I Believe in the Power of Video Games Essay

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    I believe in the power of video games. I believe that they can tell you about a person and what they have been through during their life. I believe in their ability to help you grow as a person and live a happier life. Video games have always been a thing that I would play during my free time. The types, however, have varied as I have grown older. As a young elementary school boy, my life revolved around sports. I started playing recreational baseball in 2nd grade, played football or kickball even day during recess, and went into my driveway to play basketball with a few friends.

    On days that I wouldn’t be outside running around, I would often spend my time playing video games. To go along with my sports craze, I often played Madden, MVP Baseball, and Backyard Sports. As I entered middle school, the typical beginning to the rebellious and action-filled kid phase, I began to play more action games. These games, such as Call of Duty, Star Wars: Battlefront, and Medal of Honor, all are pleasing to a 10-13 year old boy who just wants some action.

    My mom was reluctant to get me anything involving guns, but I was able to convince her to get me these games by saying, “But mom, Tucker plays these games all the time and his mom doesn’t care. ” These games filled my lust for violence as a kid and have continued to be some of my favorite games I have ever played. In 8th and 9th grade, I began to change my favorite genre of game once again. Action games continued to be a driving force, but strategy and role-playing games began to take the lead in my mind. During this time, I hit a low point in my life.

    During the summer of freshman year, my dad got a new job here at Lassiter, and all of a sudden, it was decided that I would leave most of my friends that were going to Kell, and to come here. Later in the year, I was cut from the baseball team, abruptly and unexpectedly ending my lifelong dream of playing in the MLB. This caused RPGs to become a fun type of game for me. They allowed for me to create a new life and live it in different worlds and time periods. This helped me get past all of the troubles of reality.

    As my life has gone on, the types of video games that I play have changed to match my personality. From the sports-minded young boy, to the high school kid I am today, video games have always been there. They have provided things that reality cannot, such as an ability to fix mistakes from the past, replay exciting events, and do whatever you want. You can be whoever you want, at any time, whether it be a star athlete, war hero, master thief, or assassin. When playing video games, you can choose how you live every moment of your life without anyone questioning you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    I Believe in the Power of Video Games Essay. (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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