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    How to select good koi Essay (703 words)

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    Have you ever wondered about the differences between each koi, why the colors of your koi are fading away, and which koi you should purchase? All koi are not the same and maintain different aspects. Start making the right decisions and use your money on the right koi. A good koi can be selected if it satisfies the conditions outlined in the following passages about basic koi information, examining qualities of koi, and the final check.

    Acquiring basic koi information and backgrounds is key to selecting good koi. A person should start by knowing some background information about the dealer. Different dealers have different sources for their koi. For example, a dealer who buys koi from breeders in Japan will most likely have more expensive and higher quality koi than a dealer who buys from a domestic breeder. One should first know what type of koi to buy because different koi breeders specialize in breeding different types of koi. Let’s use Hiroshima and Tokyo as examples.

    Hiroshima breeds better quality showas (black, white, and red koi), and Tokyo breeds better quality koi in kohaku (red and white). This is because different breeders use different parent koi to breed. Great quality parent koi are more likely to produce more great quality koi than those with poorer quality parent koi. The skills and experience of the breeders also play a role in breeding different qualities of koi. Once a person has acquired basic koi information, they must carefully examine the koi.

    Examining the koi is crucial and challenging, requiring experience and knowledge. To help with examination, one should consider the koi’s background information. For example, if the koi’s parents are jumbos (over 80cm), then the koi may have the potential to become a jumbo as well. The age and sex of the koi are also important factors to consider. Male koi are often less expensive than females because female koi can reproduce.

    The age of the koi helps determine its future. If a young koi (1 year old) has fully developed color, it is unlikely to improve and may even fade over time. Older koi (4 years or more) are typically expensive and already fully developed, making them less desirable for most buyers unless they are breeders or entering a koi show. A high-quality koi, regardless of age, should have a thin layer of color, a high concentration of colors, and a glossy finish. These characteristics indicate strong color that will not fade over time.

    The pattern of the koi is the fun part. Since all the koi have different patterns, one should choose the koi with the pattern he/she likes. However, one should look for a more balanced color pattern. The quality of the koi should not be considered first. A koi’s health condition should be the first priority when giving the koi a final check. For example, a person bought a top-quality koi, but two days later found out that the koi were infected by parasites. There are ways to check the koi’s health condition. Ulcers and other unnatural scratches or spots should be obvious signs that the koi is in bad shape. Of course, the dealer will not show the koi.

    So, if a koi is swimming downward slowly, with bulging eyes and not moving much, then there is probably something wrong with the koi. Koi usually swim together, so if one is swimming alone, it could be a sign of illness or injury. Ultimately, the buyer should make a final judgment on whether the koi is worth buying at the right price and gaining more experience. Not all koi are good koi, but with patience and experience, anyone can select a good one. Being ambivalent can actually be a positive thing when selecting a koi. Follow the guide above, and with some money, one could become a successful koi expert at selecting koi.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How to select good koi Essay (703 words). (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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