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    How to Make an Essay Longer (966 words)

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    Attaining an essay’s word counts or page number while having other assignments to handle can be tiresome. While writing college essays, whether using the MLA format or APA format, the length and page count is usually essential since in many instances it falls as part of your teacher’s instruction.

    As you learn on how to make an essay longer, there are some instances when run short of words to meet the required number of the page as you write your English essays or any assignment. Though it is unprofessional, sometimes you can play about on Microsoft word software to increase the number of pages on your article without teachers noticing.

    Tips to make an essay longer

    You can opt to

    • Increase the page margins
    • Increase the font size
    • Use odd-looking fonts that are bigger than average
    • Include extra spaces between paragraphs
    • Add long but ill-placed quotations to your paper

    Other than using the conventional means, there are other credible methods that you can use to make your argumentative essay appear longer.

    1. Go through your introduction and conclusion

    Ideas come into your mind as you continue writing. If along the way you lack words to continue, you can go back to the introduction part of the paper and re-read it as you check whether there is some vital information that you left out and you feel you could be necessary to the reader.

    As you get back to the conclusion part, ensure that you have summarized the major points within the essay and give your teacher or reader the necessary solutions.

    1. Use various examples to make your essay longer

    Giving more than one example raises the words count and provide more support to your argument without using any period trick. You can still break your paragraphs to increase the length of the article without adding words making your essay more manageable to your teacher.

    1. Increase the word counts by clarifying your statements.

    When jotting down your points, describe them to the reader comprehensively by using descriptive words without adding words that don’t match your main topic. Your description can expound on the brief background of what you are outlining.

    Make sure that your facts are credible enough to support your argument, and make the statement more meaningful to your teacher. As you write, minimize the use of descriptive words to make your work more engaging and less tedious.

    1. Make the introduction and conclusion longer

    In every paper, the introduction part is usually shorter compared with the body part of the article. One of the hacks to make your essay look longer is by increasing the size of your introduction part by giving a brief history concerning the topic at hand.

    As you work on the conclusion part, ensure to highlight every point you have discussed in the body part in a summarized manner.

    1. Use quotes in your essay for a longer article.

    When writing your paper, use quotes that match your description. As a student, stating the quotes first and then explaining the meaning as relating to what you are writing about in your sentences increases the word counts.

    For you to effectively use quotes in your papers, always make sure you are conversant with several quotes together with their meaning to make them more applicable.

    1. Expound on the contents of your article to make it longer

    When jotting your paper avoid using numerals, but instead use words that means the same to raise the page count. For example, instead of using ‘1′, write ‘one,’ or two instead of ‘2′. By doing so, your essay will be much longer and appealing to your teacher.

    Another method of expanding your contents and increasing the page number is by writing out the contraction. Do not hack words, for example, instead of using ‘it’s’ write ‘it is,’ or use cannot and hack ‘can’t.’ Minimizing pronouns always increase the length of an article. Use specific names when writing instead of pronouns. For instance, write ‘Samuel, Peris, and Phyls knows how to play with words,’ instead of using ‘they know how to play with words.’

    1. Make another person proofread your work

    To raise your page count after you are through with developing your paper, ask another person to read your article and comment on any part that he or she may find confusing. Develop a revision on the pointed areas to give your teacher more clarifications about the topic. Having your friend read your paper assist you in ensuring that you have not left any vital detail of the whole article, and have attained the requested page count

    1. Review your outline

    Before writing your final article, it is essential to have a handwritten essay, that you can use as an outline when typing your final paper. Revisit the draft to confirm that you have entirely written all that you wanted to highlight. You can use google docs for smart editing and styling of your paragraphs. You might find some missed essential points which could be of help in raising the page count. For words with periods and commas, you can increase the font size. The period trick makes the page longer. Although your article will appear longer by changing the period, it is important to note that this will not actually add the word count.


    Time is an essential factor when writing your college essays. There are instances you may have too much at hand to handle yet you don’t have enough time to complete the number of words which your teacher asked you to have. By using the methods, you have learned in this article, you will be able to increase the page count and jot the number of words as always instructed leaving you with enough time to tackle other assignments.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How to Make an Essay Longer (966 words). (2018, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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