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    How Graduate School Can Benefit Your Career

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    For the recent years, many students may graduate without planning of what is the best company that they want to work with or have never thought for seeking graduate school. To think to work in a company and develop their skills. In order for us to expand and develop our careers, we must be able to improve our knowledge and seek professional career in our competitive work. For this reason, I planned to seek a career in Fidelity Investment, and applied at NCSU for graduate school.

    The purpose of this report is to two provide two types of recommendations for developing better career by seeking for a graduate school and applying for a professional career. Setting best career path that everyone needs to think about before graduation must be take into consideration as they began their senior or junior year. For this reason, a student needs to set a career and academic goal to find the best opportunities for growth professionally and academically.

    Seeking only for a regular job after graduation is not enough, but if we consider improving and expanding our knowledge and skills, it would be more beneficial at all the means. In this report, I will describe in detail of what the benefits of applying of a specific company and seek for a grad school. Then, I will provide some evidence such as statistical information and facts to prove why everyone should consider a specific company and grad school.

    A variety of roles and best quality of training can boost a better future that everyone is seeks it. Fidelity Investment Company employ innovative strategies and powerful training techniques to its employees to reach the highest success. This company provide a broad range of capabilities and efficiency, this is where a job seeker can find the perfect fit. According to Fidelity Investment Career Website, “Fidelity investment is a diverse financial services company with focus on technology and innovation. It also offers great benefits and opportunities for growth and development” (1). This fact means that Fidelity Investment will fulfill a person who is looking for a company that dedicated in developing and helping its employees to maximize their career potential. Hence, obtaining an internship at Fidelity Investment before graduation may be the best way to develop professional skills and get used to involving in the company’s work world.

    Why everyone should consider working for Fidelity Investment? Fidelity investment provides student loan forgiveness and tuition reimbursement programs. According to the Pete The Job Guy, “Harold Stankar, we now have a Student Loan Debt Repayment Benefit where we will help you pay back your student loans if you’re a Fidelity employee. We will help you pay back up to $10,000 worth over five years” (2). As many of us may will graduate college with so much student loan debt and based on that debt may decide to accept any job after graduation to just pay back the long debt.

    But working for Fidelity Investment means obtaining great benefits to each employee because it offers a great opportunity to help their employees pay back their loans, and provides tuition reimbursement benefits to help an employee advance his/her skills related to the company. Therefore, considering working at Fidelity Investment Company means reducing student loan debt and providing its employees with an environment that helps develop and expand personal professional skills.

    Grad school helps to increase opportunities for better job and gain skills and knowledge that accelerate the career path advancement. Thinking of North Carolina State University as a grad school would be the best ideal for gaining professional skills and personal development. According to NCSU website, “NC State is well recognized for education, research, and extension activities, and is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a “best value” among public universities in the United States.

    NC State is the largest of the 16 higher-education institutions in the University of North Carolina system, with over 2000 faculty members, an administrative and support staff of more than 5500, and a current enrollment of nearly 25,000 undergraduates and 9,000 graduate students from across the state and around the world..” This shows that NC State University is a very well recognized school to endeavor the best value of higher education that offers many programs that can be deliver online or in person. Why should a student seek for Mathematics master’s degree at NC State University? Master’s degree in Math will prepare a student for many opportunities that always are in demand such as data analysis or business analysis. Seeking for a high pay job after graduation will most likely need some type of analysis or problem solver.

    According to Torpey and Terrell, “Workers with a master’s degree had higher wages than did those who had a bachelor’s degree. Master’s degree holders, for example, might have qualified for better paying jobs and have earned more than their counterparts who had a bachelor’s degree” (1). NCSU provides the opportunity to obtain a master’s degree in mathematics to benefit many students from the depth by offering ‘Over sixty faculty and extend across mathematics and many application areas’ NCSU Department of Mathematics (2). All math graduate students most likely have a wide range of many positions in the academic job or nonacademic jobs. Thus, seeking for a master’s degree at NCSU will fulfill and expand one’s knowledge and elevate the desired professional field.

    In conclusion, in this era, many students may find it difficult to find a good company and think about a grad school while they are in undergraduate school. Having a variety of roles and comprehensive training can help to create the kind of future that everyone needs. Fidelity Investment Company provides a professional environment to all its employees, and innovative training programs to assist and develop its employees to successfully achieve and advance their career and skills.

    Similarly, NC State University provides a master’s degree program in math to improve its students’ analytical skills and help to expand diverse careers. The importance of setting a future path before graduation in terms of finding the best company to work for and getting into a grad school is gain the skills and knowledge to do the best work and better position for more opportunities for advancements in many professional careers. We need to have the courage that accelerates our future to the best, despite how difficult things may come and what challenges may face, we always should think how to improve our knowledge and never stop developing new skills.

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