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    Hobbit (200 words) Essay

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    A Reflection On The Movie ​The Hobbit That Movie Is Based On A Best-selling Book Written By J.r.r Tolkien

    The movie that I feel embodies the ideals of Romanticism, is ​The Hobbit.​ This movie is based on a best-selling book written by J.R.R Tolkien and it follows the life of Bilbo Baggins, as he’s asked to accompany a group of dwarfs on a journey to reclaim the Kingdom of Erebor. Beforethis unexpected call to action, Bilbo Baggins had been living a simple life with his fellow hobbits in the shire, until the wizard Gandolf asks him to join them on their quest to take back the throne that once belonged to them.
    This journey to Erebor is not without hardships and conflicts. Bilboand his group encounters hazardous territories swarmed with creatures such as orcs and goblins, among other dangers. Bilbo also encounters a creature by the name of Gollum, who has in his possession a precious ring, that holds the faith of Middle Earth, which Bilbo can’t begin to fathom. In​ The Hobbit​, a major theme that occurs is being isolated or closed off from the outside world.The shire that Bilbo Baggins lives in, is completely self-dependent and doesn’t have a lot of contact with neighboring groups or individuals. The people of the shire have a very agrarian society, which means their society isn’t industrialized and it isn’t expanding in order to become a manufacturing civilization. They’re perfectly content with their quiet and secluded lifestyle.
    This theme connects to the Romanticism era because it demonstrates how they’re one with nature and they don’t need to be connected to well-developed societies to be satisfied.The main storyline in ​The Hobbit ​has to do with Bilbo Baggins deciding to break out of his ordinary routine and seek out adventure and rebellion. Bilbo had to trust Gandalf and the group of dwarfs with his life and the cause they were fighting for. The act of rebelling and taking back the land they once inhabited, was what inspired and drove them through the tough aspects of the journey. One of the main characteristics of the Romanticism era was rebellion and not conforming to the ideals of society, which was exactly what Bilbo and his group did. The fact that they went against everyone’s caution and warning to not pursue this action, shows how much passion they had for their homeland and ancestors before them.
    Throughout the movie, there are several battles and conflicts between Bilbo and his adversaries that spark tragedies and heroic acts. For example, in the final battle sequence, Bilbo and his group are outnumbered and it looked like the outcome would turn out morbid and desolate, but then because of their heroic attitude they fought off the orcs long enough for the majestic eagles to swoop in and save them from certain death. This theme of heroism was very evident in Romanticism paintings and art as well. The use of unforgettable and memorable events and stories by Romanticism artists demonstrates the creative and elusive styles these artists used and how the time period they lived in affected what they created.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hobbit (200 words) Essay. (2018, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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