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    Great White Shark and Killer Whales: A Review of Their Species and Their Threats

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    Two of the largest animals in the ocean are Great White Shark and the Orca, also known as the killer whale. They are also two of the most feared animals in the ocean. They have both been known to attack humans and have been known to be aggressive. But are these two animals dangerous or just misunderstood. I’d like to explore these two animals more. Let’s get to know them better and find out if they really are dangerous.

    You do not need to title each paragraph. Simply indent The Great white shark is one of the top predators on earth, similar to the Orca that is also considered a top predator. Both Animals are carnivores that eat fish, seals, and other marine mammals. Great Whites can be anywhere from 15 to 20 ft long and weigh up to 5,000 pounds. However the Orca is quite a lot bigger. The Orca can be 23 to 32 ft long and weighs up to 12,000 pounds. Both animals have extremely efficient teeth. The Great white has up to 300 teeth and the Orca has teeth up to 4 in long. Both are great for gripping and ripping their prey. Although both animals are scary humans are not on the menu. Neither animal prefers humans over marine life.

    Although their diets are similar their hunting methods are very different. Orcas hunt in pods up to 40 individuals. Great Whites hunt individually although will let other sharks feast once they’ve made the kill. Orcas live in tight knit family groups and share very social 2 relationships. Unlike the great white who travels alone. Both animals travel to both cold and warm waters although Orcas prefer colder water. Great whites have one of the widest geographic ranges of any marine animal.Both animals are highly intelligent and efficient hunters.Another very interesting fact about the Orca and the Great White are their reproduction. The Great Whitecarries its eggs in a brood chamber where the embryos develop. It can Have two to ten pups per litter and they reproduce every one to two years. The Orca has one pup at a time. They nurse their young for up to two years and give birth every three to ten years. Another interesting fact between the two animals is how fast they can swim. The Great White can swim up to 15 mph. Whereas the Orca even though it’s bigger it swims twice as fast. The Orca can swim up to 34.


    As I researched these two animals I found many interesting things. The most important is that although they are both carnivores they do not care for humans. I really found it interesting how close the Orca family is; they have very unique relationships and are very protective of each other.The GReat Whites scare me the most because there have been more attacks on humans. I am glad I learned more information on these two animals.

    Works Cited

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    Great White Shark and Killer Whales: A Review of Their Species and Their Threats. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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