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    Grading System a Boon or a Bane Essay

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    Grading System A Boon or a Bane -Harit Mehta With the implementation of CCE or the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation ,Many Changes were brought in the Educattion System suddenly! Some of the Students Felt it too good but some felt it like a pain. Good Morning/Afternoon Judges,The Host and all the people around here listening to me, My Name is Harit Mehta and I will be debating on the topic- Grading System – A Boon or a Bane! I would like to tell you that I will be speaking for the motion i. . Grading System is a BOON! It had been many years that CBSE had’nt changed the Education System for Classes IX and Xth. Everything was working smoothly but one thing which lacked in even the Toppers was the Lack in Important Human Values and other Qualities like confidence on Stage,Arts Etc which have more importance than marks to be called as an Educated Person! There is No Fun of 99 Marks out of 100 If you have got them by Cramming.

    CBSE realised this in the year 2009 and Mr. Lovely Singh, the Education Minister of India declared the start of the Grading System and the CCE! Grading System has been a great boon to the society. No Doubt that the competetion has decreased but according to me Competetion never brought any Good!! What happened due to Competetion was Suicides of Children coz of their freinds getting more marks than them or etc. If a student got 92 marks in Maths and another student had go 92. in the same, there had been thousands and thousands of Students between this . 50 Difference , which used to give a lot of problem for the admissions! As all my knowledgable Competents who have spoken/will be speaking that Grading System has caused problem in admissions then I would like to tell them that With the Grading System, came the grades of qualities like attitude towards teachers,discepline etc and all the Counsellers might not consider the grades much than these qualities.

    If there are 2 students with A1 Grade, and one has Grade A1 in attitude towards teachers,discepline etc and other one has Grade B1 in the same, the boy with the A1 grade will be selected for sure! My aim to say this is that Grading System has surely Influented the System of education, It has made it much more smarter. This is the first full session for Class X with fully implemented Grading System and for sure this year will create a milestone!

    Last but not the Least, Grading System has helped the Average Students a lot, Especially like me who used to cry in every last week of march when the results came, now there is no Intellegent student and no Bogus students! Both the students as well as the teachers like to go to their respective schools , there have been less complaints of Homework not done for the parents and the teachers! In the End I would like to say again-“GRADING SYSTEM IS A BOON!! “. Thank you Very much and have a nice day. http://cricketworldlive. com

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    Grading System a Boon or a Bane Essay. (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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