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    Gore-Tex Brand Sample Essay (309 words)

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    1. Explain what happened to the Gore-Tex trade name after the patent expired

    When the patent expires the discoverer has no longer sole rights to her or hers invention opening it up to everyone. At this point other companies can offer competitory merchandises at decreased monetary values. It seems that Gore-Tex was smart plenty to take advantage of their ain patent and spread out the merchandise line to include other merchandises utilizing the same engineering.

    2. What activity can houses utilize to seek to keep any advantage developed during the patent protection stage?

    The company can spread out their production into the other countries by utilizing the same engineering.

    3. It seems that Gore Associates is to a great extent oriented towards engineering ; what are some of the dangers of being excessively to a great extent focused on engineering?

    When excessively many undertakings are traveling on based on engineering the costs can be highly high and can weigh down the company by binding up resources. It can besides do the company loose the sight of the initial end or come up with excessively many variables and loose other chances.

    4. Cooperatives and share-ownership strategies provide excessively many attractive forces and benefits. but there are besides restrictions ; discourse these.

    There can be excessively many different sentiments. and people may desire to travel to the different waies if there is no clear end set by a company direction or a leader.

    5. In Montenegro Gore-Tex is present through other trade names utilizing its engineering ( such as waterproofs. coats. chapeaus. boots. baseball mitts. socks. etc ) I think that immature people would be more than happy if they had an chance to work for a company like Gore-Tex. One of the chief grounds is that most of the companies in Montenegro is hierarchically structured and immature people don`t have the right to show their ain sentiment and thoughts.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gore-Tex Brand Sample Essay (309 words). (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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