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    Global Warming Essay (681 words)

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    The consequences of global warming have by now come to the attention of the majority of the population of the United States of America. The gradual warming of the earths atmosphere is due to an increased amount of carbon dioxide released into it. The burning of fossil fuels, oil, coal, and natural gas are the main activities that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Americans add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every time they drive their car, use a chainsaw, or use electricity produced at a fossil fuel power plant.

    The increased temperature due to the effects of global warming can be disastrous. Low lying areas and islands are in danger of being overcome by increased water levels in the ocean. The oceans water levels are rising because of the temperature increase, which in turn increases the rate at which the polar ice caps melt into the ocean. What the majority of Americans may not realize is that we as a country are expelling 25% of the harmful gasses that contribute to the greenhouse effect on the earths atmosphere. This figure would be reasonable if the population represented 25% of the population on earth, but in reality the United States contains only 4% of the earths population.

    It is not fair to other countries or ours to add so much to the greenhouse problem without doing anything to try and stop it. Our actions as a country make a big impact on the lives of billions of other human beings. It is imperative that as a country we make a concerted effort to reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gases we emit. It is however also important that we encourage other nations both industrialized, and developing to protect the earth that we all inhabit. The United States cannot bear the environmental burden alone; it will require a joint effort. The world has seen the levels of carbon dioxide jump 30% since the pre-industrial age.

    This evidence suggests that humans have significantly increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Using fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas during the industrialization of the earth has benefited mankind very much economically. Generally economists feel that a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions would cost the United Sates too much money. What economists are not taking into consideration is that there will be more serious problems to deal with down the road if we do not begin to reduce carbon dioxide emissions now. A slight decrease now could prevent the complete deletion of emissions a few years down the road. United States economists need to start worrying about the future of the economy on a more broad scale.

    What will happen to the economy when large cities near the ocean begin to have to move in order to stay above water?If the effort to decrease emissions were worldwide it would be an equal distribution of responsibility. The United States would be responsible for what they emitted, as other countries would as well. The senators in the United States would no longer have the problems with unequal distribution of effort. Senators must also consider that if it was impossible to be able to get all countries to commit they should still sign the Kyoto treaty. The senates concern about the United States business interests should be re-directed towards tomorrow, the faster we act as a country the lower the initial reduction in emissions has to be.

    The United States should serve as a leader in this issue to other less developed countries. Less developed countries may not have the proper technology or resources to put such into place. It is important that the United States takes immediate action in regards to the emission of greenhouse gases and their effects on the environment. The failure to control these emissions now could result in disastrous problems in the future.

    The longer we wait the harder it will be, and the price of lowering emissions is not going to get any less costly. The United States will have to lead the world into a more promising future. Bibliography:none

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Global Warming Essay (681 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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