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    The Art of Glass Painting Essay

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    How to Do Class Painting from a pattern Tracing Edited by Jeff Hardy, Cased, Teresa, Buddy and 4 others Glass is so beautiful! Paintings too are eyes’ delight! When glass and paints are combined, they create amazing works of art. The art of glass painting is becoming popular, especially with those who want to decorate their homes with an artistic touch. In fact, it is not very tough to do. You can create a beautiful painting in a day. All you need to do glass painting is a little imagination and patience along with, of ours, certain things like a clean piece of glass (size EX.” is sufficient for the first timers). Lass liners, paints, paintbrushes, nail polish remover, and a soft piece of cloth. You don’t have to bother yourself in collecting these items. They are all included in the Painting Kits, that are so easily available in the market these days, Even before buying a glass painting kit, you’ll have to decide what colors are you going to use for making your glass painting, If you are a first timer then you must opt for watt&based color and get the beginners kit.

    Water-based paints, as impaired to oil based paints, are easier to handle, Steps After getting the piece tot glass and the painting kit, clean the glass so as to get a smooth surface Step I Jpg I After getting the piece of glass and the painting kit, clean the glass so as to get a smooth surface. Ad If you are not going to oven cure your finished painting then you need somewhat rough surface Step 2. Jpg 2 If you are not going to oven cure your finished painting then you need somewhat rough surface. Firing in a kiln can help Oil paints dry and adhere better otherwise paints tend to peel or chip off.

    This can be countered by roughening up the surface a little With wet or dry sandpaper. Roughing the surface in this manner will help the paint adhere better and last longer. Select a pattern Which has clear outlines With minimum possible curves and pointed corners Step 3. Jpg 3 Select a pattern which has clear outlines with minimum possible curves and pointed corners. Trace the pattern on a piece Of paper which is exactly the size of the glass piece Step 4. Jpg 4 Trace the pattern on a piece of paper which is exactly the size of the glass piece.

    The pattern should e drawn exactly at the center with at least 1 or 1-1/2 inches margin on all sides, Keep the glass on the patterned piece of paper aligning them perfectly Step S. Jpg 5 Keep the glass on the patterned piece of paper aligning them perfectly. Make outlines tooth pattern on the glass with the help of glass liner Step 6. Jpg 6 Make outlines of the pattern on the glass with the help of glass liner. Use black glass liner tort maximum clarity. These borders help in holding the wet colors within them and avoid spilling of the paints. While doing all these, he careful not to sees up the pattern Step 7. Pig 7 While doing all these, be careful not to mess up the pattern. If, however, it happens, swab the smudged part with cotton-wool dipped into nail polish remover and wipe away with piece of cloth. Leave the pattern to dry up Step jpg 8 Leave the pattern to dry up. It may take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours togged completely dried. It can also be blow dried for quickening the process. Now use the colors to fill in the pattern with nun directional strokes Step 9. Jpg 9 Now use the colors to fill in the pattern With nun-directional strokes. Avoid taking too much of paint or spilling it.

    Any corner or part that is not painted can be seen from the reverse side by lifting up the glass. Be careful, not to hold the glass vertically to avoid dripping off the colors. If any bubbles are made in the colors while painting, then pierce them with needle or a pin Step 10. Jpg 10 If any bubbles are made in the colors while painting, then pierce them with needle or a pin. They can also be gently brushed towards the outlines bringing them out of the borers and then wiping them away with nail polish remover. Avoid applying two coats of paint in any portion of the pattern Step al. Pig 11 Avoid applying two coats of paint in any portion of the pattern. Allow the painting to dry for at least 24 hours Step 12. Jpg 12 Allow the painting to dry for at least 24 hours, After the painting has dried, place it in a cold oven Step 13. Jpg 13 After the painting has dried, place it in a cold oven, Set the oven to ICC (32509), When temperature reaches CICS time it for 40 minutes. Switch off the oven and allow it to cool. Once the oven is cold, remove the Glass painting. Determinatively, you an let the painting air dry only by not kiln firing it.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Art of Glass Painting Essay. (2018, Jun 03). Retrieved from

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